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Everything posted by ErinInTheSky

  1. Thankfully my work can be done online. I haven’t completely isolated myself but for the most part I have.
  2. Thank all of you for the kind words. I don’t wanna sound like a hypochondriac or something but the last several days have been stressful on top of the normal being sick stuff.
  3. As bad as it’s been, it hasn’t been hospital bad. I actually think today I may be turning a corner thank god.
  4. I don’t know what to say except that I was told I wouldn’t get tested.
  5. I am not but I’ve tried to have as little contact with the public as possible. I’m a deacon at my church and skipped last week and we are likely cancelling this week.
  6. I have been sick as a dog. Dry cough, fever 101, sore throat, malaise, weakness, etc. For 8 days. I went to the doc yesterday who swabbed for strep and flu. Negative on both. Asked about covid, testing isn’t there unless you have a known contact or went out of the country. I do have a lot of contact in my job with international people. Who knows. It’s been ugh though. Hope everyone is well and stays healthy through this.
  7. I’m paying attention. I’ve seen this bug do a number to every country that was like “eh maybe we can ignore this” and it’s dumb not to be prepared at least.
  8. All 3 cases in Montgomery county.
  9. Yup. I'm fully prepped and have been for a month now. Ready to ride this one out. I've been through Katrina. I know not to trust that everything's gonna be fine. I also know how to prepare for a long downtime.
  10. https://baltimore.cbslocal.com/2020/03/05/3-cases-of-coronavirus-confirmed-in-maryland/ Its heeere
  11. Woke up to a tornado warning, going to bed to snow. What a world.
  12. Good thing that car had no passenger!
  13. That was pretty insane in Germantown. We literally lost power in the basement while winds roared above us.
  14. In the basement with my son as whatever circulation is gonna pass right over me. Really puts a wrench in my morning plans.
  15. I just got a Tornado warning buzz in Germantown...
  16. NGL I’m learning to embrace the mild winter. It’s nice to be able to go out in lighter clothes and not look like a burrito 24/7.
  17. Y’all I’m really sorry. I moved here 4 winters ago and killed winter.
  18. Getting some real icing in Germantown.
  19. Ok y'all. How bad is the Wunderground app now? Anyone have an alternate app after they butchered it to serve 20 ads and not let you choose weather stations or see your location easily?
  20. Wow. I can confirm this snow squall is legit! Near whiteout in Germantown!
  21. Got 1” in my corner of Germantown. Would have been much more if 2/3 of it didn’t melt on contact all day.
  22. Roads are absolutely caving left and right in Germantown just in time for rush. This won’t be fun.
  23. With this second wave roads are starting to cave in germantown. I'm leaving to get my son from daycare now before they get too bad.
  24. Returns are fading. Grass is all white but sidewalks and roads are clear. Not bad.
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