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Everything posted by ErinInTheSky

  1. This should finally shut down all daycares across the state. Some were STILL open.
  2. Yeah I think the Baltimore Sun was just reporting before reading the order.
  3. Just so people know what I'm talking about with respect to checkpoints:
  4. States in various parts of the country are doing interstate checkpoints and asking travelers why they are traveling.
  5. Same. I've stayed inside my house with my son every single day except for visitation pickups and dropoffs.
  6. I doubt much changes immediately, but as time goes on and as cases go up, yeah... checkpoints seem like a real possibility.
  7. Oh thank god. My child has visitation with his other parent in Virginia and is currently there. This parent has a history of withholding my son, I had to get a court order to get him back several months ago. The Virginia order specifically says that child custody and visitation isn't affected.
  8. Where do you see the not traveling across state lines?
  9. You too, hope you're keeping well entertained through your social distancing!
  10. There is such a thing as genetic resilience that typically happens in pandemics. I wouldn’t be surprised to see certain populations exhibiting a resilience and some exhibiting a susceptibility. That said there are probably demographic factors at play as well, younger population, earlier lockdowns, etc.
  11. Also, average flu deaths per day are 95 and we are at 500 per day from Covid now. And that will keep going up. Funny how many people were saying “it’s just the flu”.
  12. I still know people that can’t get a test. My mom and dad are still being forced to work right now in Louisiana. It’s all garbage lol. We just don’t have the collective will to quarantine and so... yeah. The virus sees us and “welcome to paradise” is playing in the background.
  13. For the more weather minded here, the virus reaching America was like a hurricane going over the Gulf loop current.
  14. It’s everywhere, we are a bit too late to stop it. Remember that tests today are from infections 2 weeks ago. This disease has a doubling time of 3 days. So 130k cases right now that have been tested, with 4 doublings, is 2.2mil likely current infections, the majority of which are pre symptomatic.
  15. The cure i$ wor$e than the di$ea$e
  16. UK now on TOTAL lockdown. Wuhan style. https://twitter.com/LBC/status/1242187244619927556?s=20
  17. Shelter in place works. Then you can slowly come out, test EVERYONE, and establish extremely strong disease surveillance to ensure that it doesn't go unchecked again. And everyone has to wear masks. Look at South Korea and Japan, the only countries to have this under control from the getgo.
  18. Biggest in my lifetime. Feels bigger than 9/11.
  19. The best plans I've seen are to do it in phases. Shut EVERYTHING down for 3-4 weeks like in Italy and China. Then get the testing that we were supposed to be doing beforehand, so we can QUICKLY identify clusters and squash them. Even with the above, you're likely to see it spread again to the point of needing to close things down again. But you can generally keep things functioning like this, like in South Korea and Japan, for quite a long time until we get the vaccine.
  20. I mean they are cancelling the Olympics. I think they are preparing for this thing to last through into the summer. Even if we quarantine and bend the curve back in 2-3 weeks from now, it'll still be hard to phase back in, and will likely result in having to quarantine again from time to time or still practice some form of social distancing.
  21. Just found out a member of my church is hospitalized with it :-/
  22. Unfortunately high blood pressure is considered a risk factor :-/ Lots of Americans have that.
  23. Yup. It's elderly people, until the vents are full, and then young people start to die too.
  24. I mean it's not like it was much of a decision anyway. The economy was going to eventually shut down regardless by people's own actions. You either shut it down preemptively, or watch it shut down when the hospitals can't take patients at all and people are dying in the streets like what happened in Iran and China. Eventually people will just hole themselves in regardless.
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