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Everything posted by ErinInTheSky

  1. It's uncertain. I believe he said he is "looking into it."
  2. I mostly agree. I kind of wish we had 3 weeks instead of 2. But 2 should be enough to see case counts start to go up, if the reopening leads to that.
  3. Yup. The rest of the states aiming for May 15 will be able to see from Ohio's example if it works or not. 15 days should be more than enough time to see the effect of a limited reopening on cases!
  4. It's going to be interesting to see what Ohio's reopening looks like. It looks like it won't be for all businesses. The biggest thing will be school and daycares, I think, and what they do with them.
  5. So... Ohio is reopening May 1. I know a lot of other places, like this area, are eyeing May 15. So we may just have a state willing to be a guinea pig for the rest of us. We should know the effects of reopening by May 15 if Ohio indeed does reopen.
  6. One day. I moved here and absolutely killed this area's snowfall. I truly believe I am a curse lol. Thanks for all the other stuff though - it's been a long long road and I've been basically disowned by my family, but I'm self sufficient and have a great job and a wonderful kid and life has been great.
  7. Yeah... I think we're just waiting to see what happens over the next few days but I'm anticipating the rest of the year is going to happen. Makes sense NJ closed, it's ugly there right now. Seems like Fauci's "rolling peak" is happening.
  8. Yeah lol I used to always get the -vasky. It's actually Supernova Sky but LOL This is the correct pronunciation Hehehehe yes all read banter thread so that we don't have to go over this in here!
  9. Hahaha thanks. It took guts like a year ago, now it's kind of a fun side note This was a welcome, funny digression from a somber subject in COVIDtalk.
  10. Yeah. The take home message was that PAUSE was working and they extended it. they are also taking a regional approach and coordinating with NJ, CT, RI
  11. Yeah, very good news. Fingers crossed.
  12. That's lovely. I first realized when I was 8, and then 12, in Southern Louisiana. Suffice to say, it's a lot easier on kids these days here in Maryland than it was in Louisiana in 1998-2002. Thanks for being such wonderful parents.
  13. No hahahaha I really have actually thought about how to say it here but like... making a thread in a weather forum about my gender transition seemed a little strange and so I just changed my pronouns on my profile.
  14. Heck yeah I cannot WAIT until we get to tropical season and this one looks intense. I get pretty busy during tropical moderating that subreddit.
  15. Some of y'all met me when I looked like I did on the left, I am now the person on the right. There lol now when we meet up again at some point it won't shock y'all as much. Its so funny because this all happened because I replied to Mappy with a <3 in the Covid thread, she then realized I wasn't a guy, then a bunch of people got really confused who had met me before. I should have made some sort of an announcement here but anyways. There. Trans weather nerd data extraordinaire at your service.
  16. Hahahaha @mappy It seems you've alerted a bunch of people to me hehehe. I never really thought to make an announcement here.
  17. See Banter LOL. This is hilarious. I never really made an "announcement" here.
  18. Hahaha it's quite off topic but I've changed a bit since many in this forum last saw me a couple years ago at PSU's house for the gathering. I transitioned a year ago. Edit: Oh wait we're in banter. Yeah that's fine lolol.
  19. That's a funnier statement than you might realize.
  20. Oh! Awesome, I wasn't aware of your twitter account. If you want to PM it to me I'd love to follow.
  21. Mappy - have you found where they have historical data for these numbers or are you looking back at your own snapshots?
  22. I was looking forward to pool season.
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