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Everything posted by ErinInTheSky

  1. I'm a lot more interested in daycares. Schools were going to close anyway, but daycare availability is what will matter for a lot of people working in the summer.
  2. Thanks, yeah, didn't know. The line is so blurred right now. So let me reframe it: For a variety of reasons, it seems like gatherings during coronavirus to protest lockdowns are likely to continue.
  3. Yeah. I don't think "forgetting about this thing" will be possible til we have solved it, however long that takes.
  4. Going to break my rule and have to ask for a source on this. I've seen information that deaths from other causes are up right now, like heart disease and cancer (the next two leading killers) due to delays in treatment.
  5. My mom has literally sent me Facebook videos about how the best way to combat coronavirus is to go outside and spend time with people to build your immune system.
  6. I expect more of it. I'm checking out of this discussion on "but how bad is it really?" because people seem really convinced of their own arguments. Unfortunately we live in a time where everyone seems to make their own science, and if people can find any reason they can believe as to why "this isn't that bad", the next logical step is to engage in this kind of stuff and protesting to "force that lying government to let me get on with my life/go to the beach/crowd shopping centers/pass communion in church/go back to school". For better or for worse it's how we operate I think. Very little planning, very much "what is good for me right now?"
  7. Stuff like this is what has me questioning Phineas' claims of "everything is fine the death rate is probably just like Swine flu"
  8. In order to drop the death rate into swine flu category (0.2%), that would mean that right now 8,053,000 New Yorkers have had the virus. (16,106/0.002). That... seems extraordinarily unlikely.
  9. Ugh. Thinking about that is rough... A lot of "rites of passage" graduating high school and those last get togethers with friends, relationships, goodbyes, and then off to college.
  10. We'll never see widespread testing and contact tracing, unfortunately. Fauci has said many times we need it before we reopen but it looks like we're going to try to phase in without it.
  11. And just for the record... dating in a pandemic sucks lol.
  12. I have a zoom date on Saturday and was thinking of picking up a little cider for it lol.
  13. I honestly don't drink that much at all anymore. It kind of feels pointless drinking alone lol.
  14. I have avoided drinking this entire pandemic (not purposefully, just haven't seen a need to risk anything going out to a liquor store), but my could I use some mead right now.
  15. That’s so rough and sad sorry for your loss.
  16. I remember when people were saying it’s just the flu when there were 15 cases here and that it would amount to nothing. I’ve seen this convo had so often. Generally all you have to do is walk away and come back a few weeks later and they are onto a new argument about how it’s really not that bad.
  17. Definitely, if we're smart. If we're dumb and crowd beaches again, we're going to be right back here.
  18. 2,100 deaths yet again. Not all states reported yet. It's starting to look ugly in Massachusetts. And the NY border states.
  19. My biggest concern is getting to the point of hospital systems failing because of unrestrained spread. At that point it's a lot more than 80 year olds with heart failure and diabetes we have to worry about.
  20. Seems to match up with the other poll that said 81% of people support continued lockdowns. I don't think it's going to come into play until May 15th at the earliest anyway, except for in Ohio.
  21. We may get a test of exactly that in Ohio soon either way.
  22. Sounds exactly about right.
  23. Part of me thinks you're right, part of me wonders if people won't just go crowd restaurants and beaches again. I sure as heck am staying away from both.
  24. Lol, my CEO is from Ohio and she's enthusiastically excited and seems to think it's going to be like "We're OPEN!"
  25. All of this, and then Ohio opening May 1. Ohio is going to look either really smart or really short sighted. It'll also be fascinating to see exactly how much economic activity ends up happening after Ohio opens.
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