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Everything posted by ErinInTheSky

  1. Its a tough situation. At least schools are naturally closed during the summer so it won't be a hard decision to make. Daycares are going to be tough because I can imagine that many people may not want to bring their kids back to daycare. I'm sad that my son might actually never see his daycare friends again because he's about to start Kindergarten. I've been considering just pulling him entirely. We're still doing online distance learning.
  2. This study was released a couple days ago: " The estimated Rt was 1·28 (95% CI 1·26–1·30) during the 2-week period before the start of the school closures and 0·72 (0·70–0·74) during the first 2 weeks of school closures, corresponding to a 44% (34–53%) reduction in transmissibility (figure 3C). Similarly, the Rt calculated from hospitalisation data was 1·10 (1·06–1·12) before the start of the school closures and reduced to 0·73 (0·68–0·77) after school closures, corresponding to a 33% (24–43%) reduction in transmissibility (figure 3D)." https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanpub/article/PIIS2468-2667(20)30090-6/fulltext There's not a lot of peer review out there right now, on any of the articles. But there are tons of cases, both locally and in many other states, of kids getting the virus and transmitting it among friend groups and to relatives.
  3. I think daycares will struggle to open with people not willing to send their kids back TBH. I'm not sending mine back anytime soon. Not all employers will go back to work in person and so many people will probably keep their kids at home. It would be weird to open daycares though, they were huge sources of spread pre-shutdown, same with schools.
  4. I about did a double take when my doctor tested me and told me my vit D levels were almost undetectable. I NEVER had issues in Louisiana, so much sunlight and being outside. If I weren't taking my vitamin D right now who knows where I'd be. Mid Atlantic Winter/Early Spring + Covid? aHHHH
  5. Thanks. I had no idea until our morning service. We've had a couple more that have gone in and come out recovered so we're all hopeful.
  6. I've been taking lots of Vit D. I have supplements because honestly, I've had a deficiency even before COVID. This area has far less sunlight than Louisiana where I moved from lol.
  7. One was actually my sponsor/inquirer to be a deacon. These are people I am close to. :-/
  8. I’m hopeful. None are on ventilators as far as I know thank god.
  9. 3 people in my church are in the hospital for covid. All 60-70. Not nursing home people. Older but definitely not “waiting to die.” Please pray if you do for them.
  10. Interesting News: Singapore, which has been on top of things for a long time (and which I have used personally as an example of successfully controlling the disease spread without quarantines) is now seeing skyrocketing cases. High temps in Singapore are currently 93 degrees btw, for those hoping for warm weather controlling it.
  11. How on earth do you maintain social distancing in a daycare?
  12. I’m willing to bet the NFL will have mass contract tracing and antibody testing and 15 minute testing machines before many cities do.
  13. I can report that the temperature of my living room remains 74 and continues to be 74 every day.
  14. Support local business Just had a dropoff directly to my trunk. 0 contact required. Clear Skies Meadery.
  15. It’s been an adjustment. It’s hard for me to play mom and good coworker at the same time. But you know, he’s happy he gets to have lots of play time and he’ll remember this when he’s older as not a scary or sad time but one where he got to spend lots of time with me.
  16. I think we are all thankful for that, as the mom of a 4 year old. My kiddo has been ecstatic about staying home though haha.
  17. Ohio just had their one day largest increase in case counts. It's going to get really interesting there come May 1.
  18. Yeah. I legitimately thought the week before was going to be the worse and we'd start seeing everything come down but... yeah unfortunately not.
  19. It's pretty clear Phineas is baiting people left and right, he got me but I'm not invested in interacting with him much anymore. My "better way" has been to simply not engage deeply. But if a large amount of people are having trouble with a single person, maybe it's not us that are the problem...
  20. We should totally set up a mid-Atl weather discord sometime.
  21. So now deaths are meaningless lol.
  22. In fact if you look closely there are even people playing beach volleyball lol.
  23. The likelihood is, multiple of them are passing back and forth by each other throughout the day. In the whole "isolate and contact trace" model that Fauci and others have said is important for reoppening... this basically makes that pointless. Good luck contact tracing THAT.
  24. - We also should have shut down travel to Italy and honestly, all international travel, sooner. - We shouldn't have had an absolutely defective test, should have used the WHO test as a stopgap, which worked for other countries that used it like South Korea and Sinagpore and Taiwan. - We should have started widespread PPE manufacturing in January as well as securing supply chains. - The CDC should have issued mass gathering guidance much earlier when it was clear community spread was happening. (There are about a million other things we should have done)
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