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Everything posted by ErinInTheSky

  1. Especially hair salons. Hair salons next week is Georgia level.
  2. Waiting for NJ's numbers but indications are NJ is still getting slammed today.
  3. Does anyone feel like it's like an eternal groundhog day? Every day feels like the one before lol.
  4. Even Italy is still at 500 daily deaths.
  5. 2,658 deaths. Probably going to surpass 2,700. Deadliest day so far.
  6. To be a grad student in infectious disease right now.
  7. Yeah. New Jersey has been a slower burn but they have not started really coming down like New York.
  8. After today it certainly looks that way.
  9. I've looked at the data. I do think backlogs have to do with it for sure (Sunday deaths end up pushed to Monday and Tuesday), probable is contributing some, but I think the biggest driver is that other places are experiencing peaks right now. Ohio is seeing a pretty strong uptick in hospitalizations and deaths. Pennsylvnaia, Michigan, Illinois, New Jersey, Connecticut are all getting slammed.
  10. I do believe the collective will is breaking. I don't think that the results will be good. I hope and pray they are.
  11. It didn't pan out because we isolated. This thing is still killing 2,500 a day. Think of how long we've been like this for and consider that. It's still resulting in 30k new infections a day minimum.
  12. Holy crap 2500 deaths. Several states haven't reported either yet. Imagine unrestrained for significant amounts of time. "just the flu" I think at PEAK in 2018 flu killed 500/day, and that only lasted a few days. And that was the worst flu season in 40 years.
  13. " (For NYC) A friend sent me: “Take shelter.” WHAT DO YOU THINK I HAVE BEEN DOING FOR SIX WEEKS????
  14. Lots of states reporting high death counts today. New York is improving for certain, but it's clear in terms of deaths, many others are starting to reach their peaks.
  15. This isn't only good for the employees, it's good for all of us. It will result in much more stringent precautions being taken in workplaces that we interface with.
  16. So basically you envision at risk people being fired for not going to work in a pandemic. Good to know. I don't think that's going to fly in most states lol.
  17. Not bad. Hospital workers need to form tight seals on masks and keep hair tidy. This seems very limited.
  18. If multiple members in the same company pick it up and died and it’s determined that the company forced at risk people to come to work and didn’t comply with CDC and state guidelines they absolutely should be open to lawsuit.
  19. Looks like several states are working on passing liability shields to protect employers from being sued by their employees for unsafe conditions while they reopen for the pandemic. Seems about right. This is why the whole “open up but stay home if you are at risk” thing just falls apart. Employers will make even at risk employees go to work. I know because both of my parents are in this situation. https://mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKCN223179?__twitter_impression=true
  20. Becau$e people need to work and we can’t be giving $imilar amount$ of money to the working cla$$ a$ we do the billionaire$.
  21. I'll believe it when I see it, however. The federal government's track record on this stuff hasn't been great.
  22. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/19/trump-to-use-defense-production-act-to-increase-swab-production-amid-coronavirus-testing-shortage.html FINALLY. Why they didn't do this months ago baffles me.
  23. Yup, reading further, Georgia is explicitly saying churches can resume in person services.
  24. One thing I'd be concerned about with Georgia is if we'll see churches switch back to in person attendance. I think it's entirely possible the message that comes through is "it's OK to get back to normal behavior" here.
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