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Everything posted by ErinInTheSky

  1. Yup. It doesn't end the pandemic but at least gives doctors an option in their toolkit. This will make testing even more important now.
  2. It appears that Remdesivir works in the NIAID study. It's not a home run, but it can reduce mortality (11% to 8% among study participants). That's good news, it will result in fewer deaths. It by no means is a cure-all in the least though. But ANYTHING that reduces deaths at this point is fantastic news.
  3. The results have basically been leaked for a few hours now. There is some potential good news from the NIAID study though. We'll see!
  4. I'm going to hold out to see the results but from what I'm reading, medical twitter doesn't seem as hot on it as some are suggesting right now. For the reasons you mentioned and more. Remember that a non-randomized clinical trial with a placebo failed to support hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, even though a doctor reported "34 patients fully recovered out of 35" on those drugs. A lot of these drugs show a ton of promise, then the double blind randomized control clinical trial dashes the hopes. This is because there are almost always biases that occur when treating patients in a non-random fashion.
  5. That change in total hospitalizations is not promising. We are at the highest total current hospitalizations since this pandemic started now. This likely means that we have not peaked in deaths, and in fact, a certain percentage of those hospitalizations will lead to deaths 1-3 weeks down the line.
  6. That said I realized you said "if it's feasible." IDK, I just know a lot of people who are susceptible are stuck in a bad place and that this idea that people keep pushing about segregating them out just isn't happening.
  7. Most of these peeps are minimum wage friends of mine and people with large families and low paying jobs in the South - I'm from Louisiana and lived in Texas for a while. "Consulting with an attorney" is something rich northerners do, lol.
  8. Also source: My facebook wall filled with people with said conditions who are freaked out about what to do right now.
  9. The idea that we can segregate society into susceptibles and not susceptibles and adequately care for the susceptibles is ridiculous to me. In states opening right now, people with heart conditions and high blood pressure and asthma are being told that they have to come into work or will be removed from unemployment as a voluntary quit.
  10. 2300 and growing so yeah... New York is on the decline but plenty of places are hitting their peaks.
  11. In the middle of the skywarn class. Ya girl is gonna get her spotter ID
  12. That would be unfortunate. Supply chain is all kinked up. I'll buy extra chicken just in case.
  13. Still plenty of meat at Wegmans. Tysons doesn't run everything.
  14. Fascinating article about the calculus on opening in Texas. Spoiler: Most places aren't going to reopen anytime soon. https://www.dmagazine.com/food-drink/2020/04/texas-governor-restaurants-25-percent-capacity-covid19-risk/
  15. Oh yeah, forgot theirs was 3 days earlier!
  16. Today is the first day New York is not leading in deaths. Great news for New York.
  17. Yeah - still the whole "expanded testing" hed makes me hopeful the barrier to getting tested is lower there!
  18. Oh yeah. New York has CERTAINLY gotten a hold on their pandemic. They have had the longest stay at home, and are religious about following it, and have the highest testing rates. I expect it to fall there. Now, for the rest of the nation? Yeah. Not promising right now.
  19. Yuppp.... Like I said. "First Sunday, huh?"
  20. Hey y'all: Expanded COVID-19 Testing Maryland and Washington D.C. residents without a doctor: Johns Hopkins Medicine is now offering COVID-19 screening, and testing if appropriate, for Maryland and Washington, D.C. citizens who do not have a doctor. If a person tests positive for COVID-19 and does not require hospitalization, we have a team of doctors who can manage their care remotely, so they can recover at home. This screening is available at any Johns Hopkins location. For further information, call our hotline for those without primary care physicians: 443-997-9537.
  21. Florida having its highest death day yet by far.
  22. I thought so. Current is probably a better number to use, but definitely takes reframing when comparing to past numbers we remember. +15 could be anything from 15 added and none discharged to 250 added and 235 discharged. Good to see we're close to seeing our hospital bed usage going down though. But also a bit disconcerting to see that there are more hospital beds in use right now than any other day.
  23. Did they switch the hospitalization metric to total current hospitalizations or has it always been that way? Either way we need the "new" number to go negative to see less bed usage.
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