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Everything posted by ErinInTheSky

  1. Did he say anything about daycares?
  2. I'm not going to argue the case too hard but it might be relevant for talking about reopening plans in Maryland, no? Maybe just local numbers? It will be hard to discuss Hogan's reopening guidelines without them.
  3. Might grab some wine from a local winery and do a wine and cheese night zoom and boardgame date this weekend hehe.
  4. MD increased in total hospitalizations again. We are close to the most we have ever had hospitalized at once here. One more positive day would put us over.
  5. It's a pre-K and he's 4 and I wanted to hold his spot and they offered half price. Lots of the families are doing it. Plus I wanted to make sure his teacher continued to have a job and made it a stipulation of me paying. They facetime twice a day and learn Pre-K stuff to prepare for Kindergarten, and it gives me a little time to work. But... yeah. The value isn't there if this is going to be long term.
  6. I think I may make the decision to pull my son from daycare. He starts kindergarten this year and even at half price, I can't justify $750 a month to facetime twice a day with his classmates.... and I don't really feel comfortable sending him back if they open up in the next couple weeks... Soooooo.... yeah.
  7. Texas is allowing you to continue collecting unemployment even if you don’t return if you are 65+ or have a household member 65+. This is a little closer to a phased reopening that protects at risk people. It’s not great imo, but much better than Ohio and Iowa and Georgia right now.
  8. I feel like we are easily heading for 100k. Especially with reopenings.
  9. But from an “open but make sure the at risk people can stay distanced” perspective how on earth does this accomplish that?
  10. Likewise they are also about 3 months ahead of the curve right now.
  11. It shouldn't be too shocking that China managed to squash the disease. Total border shutdown and they had the benefit of dealing with it when it was concentrated to a single city, they had a massive quarantine effort and almost universal adoption of safety protocol, flew drones harassing people to wear masks. All the other countries had to deal with multiple, maybe hundreds, of points of infection. China literally only had to control the spread from a single direction, Wuhan.
  12. So... Ohio is basically encouraging employers to report COVID workers who don't come to work in the pandemic. It better not work that way here in Maryland. This is what some of us are talking about when we say that the ideas thrown around of "opening up but keeping those who are at risk safe" has been kind of BS.
  13. They track pretty close together but you appear to be right. Look for instance at restaurants. 26% say they should be open, but 22% say they feel comfortable.
  14. NY is finally approaching adequate testing for making contact tracing possible. Generally you need positive percentage in the 3-5% range, and a large contact tracing army. The contact tracing army funding may come this week in congress.
  15. Here is the toplines for the new WaPo consumer poll:
  16. We'll see. Georgia's been open for a while. "At the Mall of Georgia, for example, where there are thousands of parking spaces, there were only a few dozen cars in front of mall's main entrance, with similar small scatterings of cars located at other entrances that were open, including entrances to anchor stores, such as Macy's. There were small clusters of shoppers to be found here and there in the mall, but not the throngs of crowds that would typically be seen at the Mall of Georgia. "It's a ghost town," Ricky Wuorinen added." https://www.gwinnettdailypost.com/local/crowds-light-as-mall-of-georgia-sugarloaf-mills-reopen Youn, a psychology student at Georgia State University, was working fewer hours and struggling to make tips. Usually she made $100 to $130 in tips each day. On her last shift, she made just $25. “It’s pretty slow,” she said Thursday afternoon. “I thought people would be tired of staying home, but no one has come in all day.” https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2020-05-01/its-too-soon-in-small-towns-and-big-cities-georgias-experiment-in-reopening-moves-slowly and as I was typing this, a new poll just came out. People are opposed to re-openings. So... it's not like if you reopen, people are going to rush to consume.
  17. Heading for another 2k+ day. The curse of weekend numbers strikes again.
  18. It's going to be, at best, a mixed bag and snails pace of economic reopening. I can say one thing is for certain, people who thought many of these industries were being destroyed by lockdowns don't seem to be right. People were avoiding places before the lockdowns, and they'll probably be avoiding them long after until we can feel like we're not at risk and that testing is easily available.
  19. So I think people are willing to go to general stores for supplies, for sure. But in every state that has reopened so far, restaurants are dead, nail salons are dead, bars are dead, malls and outlets are dead, movie theater's cant even get customers. I've been posting a ton of reports in this thread.
  20. Still remains to be seen if it’s the people in charge who are ok with it or if it is us. I’ve seen no evidence that, despite reopenings, people are engaging in economic activity.
  21. I know, I'm just trying to game out in my head how this could possibly work.
  22. Daily testing for every employee of a sports league that is in contact with each other would be so hard... But I hope that we do have that kind of testing capacity. But then it would bring to mind... There are about 120k NFL employees, for instance. 120k daily tests would be more than any state runs.
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