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Everything posted by ErinInTheSky

  1. Tracking this one in Germantown is fun. The margins between mix and 4” and colossal smashing 18” all cut within miles of me.
  2. Tracking this one in Germantown is fun. The margins between mix and 4” and colossal smashing 18” all cut within miles of me.
  3. I'm a kid in a candy store right now y'all. Like, I moved here in 2016. All but one of my winters has been <12" total. I have never experienced a legitimate, shut everything down snowstorm in my life. My divorce is on Wednesday. I've been waiting for it to go through for 2 years. The custody decision will happen via zoom Wednesday. If Wednesday is the day I finally get my snowstorm, I may get custody of my child and then my first major winter storm on the same day.
  4. GFS and Euro are almost identical right now at 120h in terms of total snowfall. I'm so hopeful this pans out, I really want my first legitimate snow storm since moving here in 2016. Maybe this is the year.
  5. Oh my god, am I going to experience my first real snow storm since moving here in 2016?
  6. First frozen of the year in Germantown. Snow pellets.
  7. Will this smoke be part of keeping things cooler? Will it last into the winter, if the fires keep going for a month or so? They've already been going that long.
  8. Yeah that’s what threw me for a loop when I first joined this thread. I wasn’t even aware a weather event was going on and it’s been dry and maybe a sprinkle today.
  9. I admit I was wrong. I was just surprised to get the CMAS, I've been in lots of warning situations here without it and I'm not even in the warning box.
  10. I'm keeping an eye out. It's a bit SE of me, I'm wondering if I'm going to get in on the action. I am a bit tired of how wet everything is.
  11. Is this weather really buzz everyone's phones worthy? The axis that the storms seem to be moving along seems interesting though, I suppose the training may cause some real flooding
  12. Power died and I had no radar access for 15 min in Germantown.
  13. Oh god it’s hooking so clean right as it heads into bmore.
  14. I’m staring at what looks like a shelf cloud in Germantown.
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