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Everything posted by ErinInTheSky

  1. Bob Chill, honestly, it's just good to know you are OK. A lot of people lost people during the last year or so. That's all I care about. You do you
  2. LOL! I like discord for mobile use mainly, and ease of access. Plus I actually run a pretty huge tropical weather discord community and it gets really fun to interact as the storm rolls in It's linked to my tropical weather subreddit.
  3. Just curious... has anyone ever thought about a discord for this message board? For those that don't know: Discord is like slack, a chat program that a lot of people use these days around interest groups, forums, subreddits, games, locations, clubs, etc. You can easily paste pictures, voice chat, share stuff in topical rooms. Anyway, I was just curious if something like that already existed here
  4. Multiple models now put me at 15+". Euro obviously was the better model at range, GFS is showing now what Euro showed days ago. We need a good happy hour Euro.
  5. Lol. I love this map. With their busts and booms, it's basically... for me... "Yeah you could have somewhere between 3 and 15 inches".
  6. Actually looking at the individual totals, it really more looks like they are converging on a good stripe of pink through the DC/Baltimore and surrounding region, not really a bunch of big dogs (a couple there though). Exciting. Looks more and more like a lock
  7. Euro was an improvement for me in Moco over the last run. PSU has got to be happy too with the Euro lol. NW burbs are a little safer now. GFS is obviously what a lot of us want. 8-12" seems like a great forecast right now and it's not surprising to see a bunch of those pop up. I will be SO happy if I get my first double digit snowfall ever.
  8. My expectations were always low. Even through the 30" jackpots I got 2 days ago, through the 15", I wanted a warning level event. The Euro puts even that low expectation in threat for me NW of DC. I mean, I've already had to adjust my expectation down from "I want my first ever double digit snowfall" lol.
  9. Not only have we been in the bullseye for many runs NW of DC, but we've also had tons of breathing room of respectable 8+" snow. Euro has progressively narrowed that breathing room, lessened the bullseye, and moved it elsewhere.
  10. Wow. I might not even get a warning level if the Euro is right. So much for the euro's consistency lol.
  11. I kind of want the GFS to be right now. It's been better for MBY a few runs.
  12. Hmmm. It looked worse than it was then. It seemed like a lot less.
  13. GREAT run for those who like the front end thump. But that back end is completely gone for a lot of us. We'll be relying on the front end for all our totals on the Euro.
  14. Woah It kind of jets off though for the 2nd wave, like.. in MoCo I've completely lost the second wave.
  15. I think Euro's frozen. Running 2-3" higher than the last run.
  16. Euro packs more of a punch on the front end for most of Maryland at 69h
  17. Yeah it's gonna be nails when the first wave moves through and the radar looks sparse.
  18. Looking more, I see that the GFS is not as good for the cities, but it's def better for MoCo and Frederick lol.
  19. GFS full cave <3 GFS now shows more snow than Euro, for me at least.
  20. Still going at 117h. Good backside from the GFS. The snow totals aren't as high as the Euro, but it looks like a little bit of a cave.
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