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About ncjoaquin

  • Birthday 06/22/1964

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Asheville, NC

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  1. It will be gone at 0z, but I will throw it on here to break the silence.
  2. It does any more. It's like Columbia, SC was dropped on top of Asheville. Actually, I haven't looked, but they probably have more snow than here the last 3 years. At least you can head home to snow,lol.
  3. Enough snow to dust the cars. Apparently, there are slick spots around the county. Still clinging to hope for something a little more substantial.
  4. That would be nice! I hope that you get it. I would be thrilled if I got 3 inches also. The trend is not my friend, but I keep clicking the next model. I hope for the turn around to the bitter end.
  5. NWS not very excited. I'm in between the 1 and 2 inch line. Hopefully, tonight will take a turn to a big dog. But, we will take what we get and like it, lol.
  6. I hope that you get a picture worthy event... With more snow than ice!!
  7. Of course, I don't think anybody wants anything that produces damage and causes problems for everyone. I spent weeks cleaning up from Helene. I know I have had enough catastrophe. But, if it could wiggle into some snow for me, I would take it. But, none of us have any control over what happens. What happens happens.
  8. I doubt it. I think everyone is hoping for a better solution, enjoying any positive trends, but realistic that it probably won't happen. Always hoping for the miracle, lol.
  9. Better sit down for this news. It's rain now.
  10. Alrighty, now THIS is the one!!! Just 12 days away.
  11. Lol. I don't think we are done with snow and ice events. I have no idea what they are saying.
  12. GSP in their long range discussion this AM.... Kind of an odd thing to say. "The pattern makes one wonder if we are done with Winter."
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