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Everything posted by forkyfork

  1. now i want a frigid winter https://www.researchgate.net/publication/251662484_Impact_of_minimum_winter_temperature_on_Lycorma_delicatula_Hemiptera_Fulgoridae_egg_mortality The temperature that induced complete mortality of fulgorid eggs was estimated to be −3.44°C on the basis of mean daily temperatures from December 2009 to February 2010 and −12.72°C on the basis of mean daily minimum temperatures in January 2010.
  2. it's all about who gets the 40" jackpot band
  3. whenever we get sun we go past the forecast high
  4. this is the best we can do behind fall cold fronts now
  5. i have to drink it at some point
  6. you might be on to something. it took 5 years to get to this point though: https://www.mcall.com/news/local/mc-nws-spotted-lanternflies-missing-20211005-et63t7utlja5xj3hthvcu7l7wu-story.html Additionally, he said, some of the trees of heaven that were missed were found dead, possibly because spotted lanternflies ate them to death.
  7. lanternfly shit is raining down from the trees. it's getting so disgusting
  8. leaning toward more of a low coming north
  9. a northern parula and a ruby crowned kinglet feeding from sapsucker wells
  10. do you guys have any plans for when it's 60 degrees on christmas
  11. i thought he did. still above normal
  12. has anyone taken a photo of the leaves reflecting in a still pond yet? or maybe something from a drone with a river breaking up the photo
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