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Everything posted by forkyfork

  1. i was allowed to return after a heartfelt apology to old man winter and a donation to the snow fund <3
  2. climate change means having a bunch of nice sweaters i have yet to wear because it just doesn't get that cold anymore
  3. go look at random decembers in central park from the past. it's ridiculous
  4. why not? december has warmed dramatically
  5. grown adults throwing tantrums because someone won't tell them what they want to hear about the WEATHER. lol
  6. because i point out that it's a bad snow pattern for most people south of maine?
  7. remember when i said it wasn't a good pattern and everyone got mad? haha
  8. can't deny the trends but it takes time to get a storm after a hostile pattern. boxing day happened after weeks of blocking
  9. they should just move christmas to february to calm all you guys down
  10. yeah the temp never rises after 12:50
  11. we're running ahead of forecasts already. i think 70 is possible
  12. will be interesting to see how much the models bust cold tomorrow. the nam was off by like 10 degrees across iowa where it's in the 70s now
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