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Everything posted by forkyfork

  1. mish came across this subforum and lost the will to live
  2. i would do anything to see this happen in today's climate
  3. they can't because they're not well
  4. i can see why he trolls the snow crowd. a lot of them are completely out of their minds
  5. psst ginx doesn't think co2 is warming the atmosphere
  6. the hrrr sweeps the line across long island
  7. so in summer does it link up with the western ridge for 100+ or do we get high dewpoint heat instead
  8. close but i saw one with just ssw vs non ssw years and the non ssw years lined up with when long island started getting more snow bands after 2010
  9. who posted a tweet with a graph of ssw vs non ssw years? i can't find the post
  10. wahhh my 15 miles per gallon truck is expensive to drive now
  11. how did all those kuchera maps showing 12+ do? good?
  12. i heard sleet last night, saw ice on the trees this morning, and now i'm seeing the ice fall off the trees. my feet are a little cold
  13. it's possible to get both warmer trends aloft and colder trends at the surface
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