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Everything posted by forkyfork

  1. i like elite storms. the pattern coming up has a greater chance of producing one than most others
  2. i want the gfs to show a low over the azores
  3. i'm so impressed by this trend. even the 23rd might work out
  4. we're getting at least one KU imo
  5. if that diving s/w captures the secondary in time we'll get crushed
  6. i gaslit myself into thinking people here can read weather maps
  7. 238 days out of 26636 since 1950
  8. all -4 or lower daily AO indices since feb 2010
  9. NYC - 42EWR - 46MMU - 57ISP- 45SWF - 65
  10. a normal 1800s winter would be top ten cold now
  11. and they're going to keep disappearing
  12. also italy hasn't produced a good composer since vivaldi
  13. that's nice. anyway check out this big miss by the gfes. the models underdo downstream cold sometimes during pac blocking episodes
  14. where's the best place for italian american food? a trash can
  15. this has to be into -5 territory
  16. we have 6 days for changes to happen
  17. there's a norlun threat sunday evening but these events are impossible to pinpoint until they develop
  18. @Allsnow bailed and went to the other board
  19. how are the pna doomers feeling today?
  20. when there's a lot of blocking you need a strong jet to push systems up here
  21. ewr's biggest snowstorm from this month was 3.3"
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