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Everything posted by forkyfork

  1. there's so little real cold to go around these days
  2. the public is too stupid for that shit. just attribute everything to cc so they get scared enough to want to reduce emissions
  3. not guaranteed to be east based
  4. nobody outside of this zone matters
  5. i bet a lot of the issues wouldn't exist if the gulf stream weren't 5-10 degrees above normal and/or there was an arctic airmass involved with the digging s/w
  6. that little low offshore has strong enough winds to produce visible sea spray on satellite
  7. i wonder if a repeat of feb 78's setup with current ssts would have the same issues with convection
  8. our benchmark is in this zone
  9. can't you guys use real words
  10. what unit of measurement is a tick
  11. waiting for okx to issue a public info statement so i can see how much snow i got
  12. this is what they took from us
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