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Everything posted by forkyfork

  1. monday looks mildly interesting
  2. enjoy the brief window tomorrow
  3. the cams all show a similar mcs. it rides the old boundary left behind from yesterday
  4. the crazy nam replacement run didn't nail the location but it's doing a good job with amounts
  5. that outflow boundary setting up across central nj should be a nice focus for the next round tonight
  6. we might get some good stuff with the vort in n va later as it interacts with the warm front
  7. a bunch of cams jackpot us later. the replacement nam has 7" lol
  8. we won't know until we wake up
  9. best case scenario: we get rid of any crapvection in the morning and a strong well organized mcs develops in pa during the afternoon
  10. good luck figuring out tomorrow's details
  11. there's always tomorrow, tuesday, and wednesday
  12. tomorrow looks more widespread with a warm front over us
  13. hrrr says it spreads west
  14. probably going to get a nice blob out of this
  15. i have a good feeling about the west half of the metro today
  16. i hope the dewpoint stays above 70 through christmas
  17. the cool low dewpoint pattern ended last night. the front never clears us on the entire eps run
  18. it might not be 90 but i'll take the dewpoint consolation prize
  19. well feel free to send a letter to every official meteorological organization in the world to let them know about your little opinion
  20. you don't agree with the fact that june is warmer than september in this region?
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