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Everything posted by forkyfork

  1. that is a pretty favorable melt pattern after day 7. we'll see if it's real
  2. c'mon, don't you guys want to read day 10 gfs updates from metfan?
  3. the thickest ice is supposed to be along the canadian/greenland arctic coast and it's well offshore instead. it's in a prime place to be exported out the fram
  4. IMO what's happening right now is just as wild as the 2012 min
  5. what a crazy melt season. i guess these things are more prone to happening with thinner ice
  6. some good animations/graphs here http://sites.uci.edu/zlabe/arctic-sea-ice-figures/
  7. what difference does it make? we got to second lowest without an extended summer dipole. that's more worthy of discussion
  8. not having CT area data really stinks. i hate using extent
  9. when was the last time ewr had more 90's in august vs july?
  10. pretty big melt week and it looks to continue
  11. snow is for children

  12. yesterday's 90 at ewr was the earliest first 90 since 2011
  13. it's mallow. mallow the cloud.

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