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Everything posted by forkyfork

  1. now we're reaching heat advisory criteria. lol
  2. our nws office isn't the best
  3. did you enjoy having the air conditioning turned on last night? i did
  4. when i'm old i'll be telling kids about the last time we had a cold summer. 2009
  5. i wonder if lga will manage a low of 80 or above during this stretch
  6. wait til they die and the bodies are everywhere
  7. the park is stuck at 88. lol
  8. 68 and cloudy at noon isn't going to cut it for storms
  9. yet anyone who cancels winter in late january gets piled on
  10. brooklyn has periodical cicadas
  11. not at full chorus yet in nj. yes i'm linking to my own tweet because good luck uploading a video here
  12. also 2011 which is the record for earliest 100+
  13. WAR retrograde signal showing up. a little early for these events
  14. i'd rather it be 97/75 than 104/50
  15. what's to stop you from turning the heat on in july?
  16. so his whole family didn't get vaccinated
  17. https://blog.nwf.org/2020/09/what-you-need-to-know-before-spraying-for-mosquitoes/
  18. i go birding in wet areas and get tons of bites. they itch for a little while and then i don't notice them anymore
  19. did anyone push for him to get vaccinated? he'd probably still be alive if he did
  20. extended warmth signal after this cool down
  21. storm total radar maps show a very clear minimum right over the metro area. i wonder if the urban areas mixed out too much moisture to sustain convection
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