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Everything posted by forkyfork

  1. it's about to run into weaker convection to its southeast
  2. this is on track to be ewr's first 1" or greater precip event since the big snowstorm
  3. this is a slam dunk for 50kt gusts
  4. how is this not going to result in convection everywhere
  5. on that second sounding peters posted the juicy cape doesn't start until around 700mb
  6. i just went through random towns on google maps located in tomorrow's moderate risk area and tbh most of these places could use an ef5
  7. there isn't much low level cape even on the hrrr
  8. small one now in the meadowlands
  9. 11 years ago the great tree massacre began
  10. the hype started while the storm was still at day 4. way too early
  11. it's a photo from the eastern days after i had wisdom tooth surgery
  12. why is your avatar a 17 year old photo of me
  13. is it too much to ask for a strong cutter with 60 degree dewpoints
  14. i've slept through 80 degree nights without a/c
  15. time for humanity to give up on long range forecasting
  16. i wonder what a jan 2015 setup would result in with these SST's
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