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Everything posted by forkyfork

  1. in strong -nao snowy winters we get the death bands and in +nao snowy winters li does
  2. i could see us getting 6-10 from a storm that gives rjay 20
  3. canada is too far for a day trip sry
  4. that's not snow that's slush
  5. it's been stuck at 300 hours for the past three years
  6. the least trustworthy snow observations come from people who like snow
  7. less -nao, ridging near the aleutians which opens the door for western troughing and cutters
  8. hooray it might be 48 and cloudy instead of 60 and sunny
  9. digging up other bad years instead of tracking something interesting. sad!
  10. waiting for the nam run that shows a low tucking into montauk
  11. i think the warm spots approach 65 today
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