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About Chargers09

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    San Antonio, TX
  • Interests
    Weather, music, reading, etc. Ask me.

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  1. This pattern is ass. Bring back the thunderstorms.
  2. Been a relatively cool and nice summer so far
  3. That usually doesn’t work out for Michigan. The storm motion doesn’t support it but we’ll see.
  4. This is exactly why I’m hedging my bets and not buying a rapid reintensification and a more northerly track just yet
  5. Still way too far out to be making claims like this. We have zero idea what the circulation is going to look like once it gets back offshore and the northward motion on the models is predicated by the strength of beryl. Stronger = further north.
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