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Posts posted by buckeye

  1. 7 minutes ago, Ji said:
    41 minutes ago, buckeye said:
    first flakes mixing in westerville

    How much snow you expecting?

    good question, I haven't even checked.   Last I saw it was 3-7.    The way the models have handled this it's all radar from here out.

    • Like 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, Dustin said:

    It's amazing how much panic there is in this thread from members who the HRRR show picking up 8-10 inches over the next 24 hours.  

    Thinking there's going to be a narrow zone of deformation in the early AM hours that is really going to rip.  Still, the HRRR forecast sounding along that line bring the warm tongue right to the 0C isotherm, and the HRRR and GFS certainly missed the depth and intensity of the warm layer this morning.  If you look at ILNs sounding from this morning, and check out the NAM's soundings from yesterday's run, it modelled the column incredibly well for today.  Those who are upset or not understanding the extent of ZR and sleet this afternoon selectively choose to ignore that in the modelling and sampling.  Did we get rid of the weenie tag?  

    thank you

    back in the old'n days of posting they would ban posters who would make posts that were all whines and woe- is-me and who cancelled the storm in the first quarter.  I mean I get it, I love snow too and yes I would be disappointed if 90% fell as sleet but nothing we can do about it and all the ranting and complaining ain't gonna change that.

    This is a dynamic set up, yes, it could turn into sleetfest '22 for some including me, or we could get sleet followed by a really nice thump, (which I think is more likely).  But I'll sit back, watch it unfold and let the weather do it's thing.


  3. this is the latest hrrr, it's the 18hr panel, (5am), that's 16 hrs from now.     None of us know for sure what the sleet to snow ratio is going to end up.   Feb sleet storm was always on the table but so is a nice snow storm.    More likely a combination that would make us happy to have any other time.     Relax and enjoy the tracking, otherwise why the hell are we here.     




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  4. 16 minutes ago, pondo1000 said:

    Awesome sleet storm just like last February! Yay!

    actually a pretty pultry sleet storm for here all morning.   At least it's not pounding sleet, so I don't feel like I'm losing a ton of qpf to sleet.   The precip along the ohio river moving towards cincy is what to look out for.

  5. I think back to some of our classic busts due to more mix and less snow then forecast, it seems many started out as a brief period of snow that transitioned to sleet.   We are going through a slow transition of rain to frz rain to sleet and now we wait for snow.   

  6. Just now, buckeye said:

    I'm way more optimistic then some of you.   Even if it's early afternoon before all snow, the snow should be falling at a good rate on base of ice and sleet.  Also, the nam and some other models are beginning to show a longer duration with more energy lagging on the tail end.

    patience grasshoppers


  7. I'm way more optimistic then some of you.   Even if it's early afternoon before all snow, the snow should be falling at a good rate an base of ice and sleet.  Also, the nam and some other models are beginning to show a longer duration with more energy lagging on the tail end.

    patience grasshoppers

    • Like 1
  8. 10 minutes ago, pondo1000 said:

    Score 1 for the RGEM I guess. I’m calling it…TOD…8:12 AM


    8 minutes ago, dilly84 said:

    Kinda funny that nws upped their totals. I mean if it's still sleeting in by 10am that's when I'll officially call it.


    Thank god you guys aren't ER doctors

    • Haha 3
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