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Everything posted by buckeye

  1. suppressed juiced up track..... big midatlantic winter?
  2. and yet the 500mb anom looks troughy in east and ridgy in west. So if that still happens and we end up with this /\, we might as well close the blinds and find a new hobby.
  3. I love snow....because it's snow. Covering my yard and house in frozen water mist from a hose, when there's bare ground everywhere else, would be just an added hassel in my life.
  4. same here btw I wonder how cold it has to get before TWC breaks out the light blue crayons.
  5. Remember that summer very well. I was working near Cincinnati and remember the rule of thumb was if it hit 94 by noon it was going to be a 100+ day. It happened a lot that summer. Also the first time I recall people losing their entire lawns, (not dormant but actually killed off). Many people had to have them re-seeded, sodded. On separate note, that was also the first time I felt an earthquake....it was later during that same summer.
  6. June 14, 1990 Shadyside, Ohio….still remember that one
  7. Jel.... viewing the northern lights are definitely on my bucket list!
  8. ...he nervously asked as beads of sweat formed on his brow...
  9. … so let me get this straight. Wanting a white Xmas and an early end to winter is nonsensical while a fascination for March and April snows is perfectly logical. I hate to tell you this, but you’re the one on the side of crazy.
  10. snow after mid march is about as exciting as having sex with a leather condom
  11. Ah yes, the very common CMH-PIT-DCA special.
  12. Currently in Salt Lake City, left yesterday for a conference….I see you guys got a little surprise snow last night. Starting to see a trend that when I leave town it snows. Hope it keeps up and eventually you guys start paying me to go on vacation in the winter
  13. This would make up for 10 years of ratter winters
  14. Yea the potential for some crazy rates are what would have me pumped too. Like to see some pics during the worst of it. I have a son in law in med school at MSU. He and my daughter live nw of Detroit, I'm sure I'll be getting some pics text to me today.
  15. Battle of the vet mets JB v LC Haven't seen such opposing thoughts in the long range. LC thinks the incoming cold late next week is out by mid month and we go back to modified pacific air. JB says brutal cold well into April. (shocking I know). I'll be bump'n this one in a couple weeks.
  16. Seriously would be less embarrassing getting busted surfing midget porn verses having to explain 10,000 weather board posts.
  17. It's not gonna be just the usual kick in the nutz....it's gonna be a kick in the nutz with steel toe boots thanks to all these teaser 70+ degree days we've been getting.
  18. It's gonna be hell for @michsnowfreak as they transition to CMH climo OTOH I'm looking forward to Nashville climo setting in here . Btw, I admit I'm jel over whomever gets the 6 hr thumping the models seem to be throwing out there, strictly because I like extreme snowfall rates. But I'm only jel of that window of time. Other than that you can keep the 40s and slop fest following the thump.
  19. We’re having an early summers evening thunderstorm
  20. That was like a January storm, it actually stayed very cold for quite awhile. Truly the exception. That and 1993 , but we were only fringed by that one.
  21. Well at least we weren't the only ones with a brutal February futility record....so there's that I guess. Also JB is banging the "one of the coldest March's on record" bongos, so there's that To me, and maybe it's my age, but what's worse then the lack of snow is winter dragging it's weak ass into march and April giving us below normal temps and periodic white rain....YET AGAIN
  22. One hell of an impressive nw trend with this one. Reminds me of the old'n days when at 7 days out it's crushing DC, 5 days out CMH, 4 days out Detroit, and now who knows.
  23. Tornado sirens blaring….probably gonna happen again with the next storm. Crazy wx
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