I was out this evening and it was 37 and raining on January 30. I thought the same thing, this might be the worst winter I remember. Even worse than the infamous 97-98 and 2011-2012, at least those had something to remember them by....granted 2011-12 was record warmth.
This winter has just been agonizingly BORING. We had one week of cold weather that resulted in a couple of car toppers and I don't think my grass was ever completely covered.
It doesn't help when pretty much every met, (except for a couple of our mets in this forum), kept a weenie on a stick for us since Nov.
Looks like currently the can is sitting at mid February.....anyone wanna bet it gets kicked to the beginning of March? I did not get my usual wxbell subscription this winter but I do follow JB on twitter....I follow him because the comments mocking him are hilarious and well deserved.
Call it climate change, climate cycling, whatever you want but clearly we are experiencing something strange in the weather. The headscratcher is that although the winters have been so warm and boring, we haven't had the same kind warmth increase in the summer. Extremes on the warm side for summer are as rare as extremes on the cold side for winter. It's like we've become a maritime climate.
buzzed rant over