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Everything posted by buckeye

  1. Totally lucked out. Blue sky with some wispy cirrus Had 45 seconds of total where you could look without glasses. It sounds obvious but it got much darker than I expected probably because I had only seen partial eclipses in the past and always expected those to be darker. Crickets started chirping street lights came on and you could hear people cheering in the distance. Bucket list checked without having to leave my yard.
  2. thanks, one more sheep to tie up and was able to score a fresh chicken spleen this morning.... only snag is I've gained some weight since 2017 so my robe and hood is a little tight.
  3. awesome info....thank you. So according to my exact gps location, I'll have 100% totality for 48.4 seconds. That's good enough for me. Cooler in the back yard it is!
  4. 1200 feet inside line of totality. Still debating whether to head a few miles nw or just get drunk in my backyard.
  5. with my luck the damn thing will defy all laws of astro-physics and trend NW. That's how we roll in central Ohio
  6. Kind of damned if you do…damned if you don’t. I thought ILN did a good job with balancing everything, their discussions were very matter of fact and included the mention of what could impede the threat.
  7. In June of 1990 a flash flood from a thunderstorm killed 26 people in shadyside ohio. The nws was ravaged for not having any kind of watch up. For what seemed like the rest of that summer…every time storms were in the forecast they issued flood watches. It was definitely cya. Maybe a little of that today as well?
  8. yea, it was frustrating. When we got that clearing around 11:30 I thought it's game on. Then that garbage rolled in around 2 and I think that was the nail in the coffin. One cool thing, the sky has been a show this evening. Strange cloud formations, colors, and the most amazing rainbow I've ever seen. I'll upload a pic when I get a chance.
  9. yup... ingredients are there, let's see what gets baked
  10. so far things seem discombobulated. The blue skies here are now clouding up as some garden variety showers and thunderstorms get ready to move thru. After that it looks like another period of clearing/drying and then we wait and see if things start growing out of the southern IL/w. KY area. Not super impressive yet.
  11. HRRR not exactly stellar. Where is all the convection showing up on radar in sw IN?
  12. welcome to the fusion of social media and meterology. My daughter, who has zero interest in weather sent me a text asking how worried she should be because it's all over social media that 'we're gonna have a bad tornado today'.... lol
  13. It'll be interesting to see what kind of clearing can make it here in the next couple of hours. Still heavily overcast but noticed some breaks to the north and south earlier. Looks like we still have a round of showers the next hour or so. I would imagine in this setup we're not going to need several hours of blaring sun to get things rocking...even just a few breaks should help light the fuse.
  14. amen! that and those damn windmills too. Poor birds, if they manage not to get sliced and diced, they have to hope they don't get fried in mid flight now.
  15. I was thinking the same thing. Usually you see adjustments 25 or 50 miles this way or that way.... but that change is like an entirely different forecast. So I'll have to see if my anecdotal theory holds. I've always said the most hyped events around here tend to fall apart while the most significant events, (ie the one a couple weeks back) come out of nowhere.
  16. Yea, spc dropped that ball. I'm not even sure we were in the marginal risk area at that time....even hours before the supercells started forming. HRRR started picking it up but was by itself. ILN was pretty bullish early on as well.
  17. We’ve had 2 significant tornado events in central Ohio already this season and yesterday there were tornado warned storms just east of us. I personally know people who suffered structural damage to their homes in each event. It’s crazy when you consider it isn’t even April. Also, ironically this April 3/4 is the 50 year anniversary of Xenia.
  18. We live just about .5 miles inside the path of totality. I have read that the closer you are to the center the longer it lasts. I’ve also read that being right on the edge has advantages because of some unique effects can be witnessed that you don’t get in the center. What would you do? Drive further northwest towards center or stay put on the edge?
  19. I believe 5 were confirmed in Ohio, mostly between Dayton and Columbus, including the western burbs and I believe the eastern burbs as well. We just got thunder IMBY.
  20. I’m at OHare right now and that useless ruining stat-padding snow is underway. Heading back to cmh hoping no delays.
  21. That was like a good ole fashioned clipper. Pretty crazy rates. I read in the other forum someone in PA got 5” in an hour. Looks like around 5 here.
  22. Although we, (ohio), have had no real snow this winter, we still have our dignity. A 4 page thread for 2 glorified car-toppers and a week of seasonably cold weather is both proportionate and reasonable. Well done!
  23. I remember one August day I was taking a bag of groceries out of my car and I didn't see a container of sour cream fall out and roll under my seat. I found it two weeks later....and it still aged better than this:
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