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Everything posted by buckeye

  1. Yea, looks similar here in the cmh area. Too damn early for this ugh.
  2. I was in second grade so it's blurry ... seriously though, never even heard of a blizzard of 1864 or 1918. I'm gonna have to look those up.
  3. Eh sh*t…. Messed that up. Oh well this thread will probably sink to the second page of the forum pretty quickly.
  4. Oh well, this is a first for me starting this thread. Not sure where Steve is but I can't blame him or anyone else in the OV if they've finally thrown in the towel. So, let's see if we can log a couple a pages this winter! , and maybe a few pics of car toppers and heavy frost!
  5. No need to, CMH climo has come to you. We're now Lexington KY
  6. wow that's brutal. I like the comment where he says, "I think that might be too pessimistic". ya think? I don't know how it could be worse lol.
  7. I'm sure cmh is just as ugly. But damn, 3650 would be 10 years....so their pretty close to hitting that. Even I didn't realize how bad the futility has been. I guess if there's anything good about these long strings of dumpster fire winters, its that our expectations are so low we're all pretty easy to please moving forward. No idea what to expect this winter. The only positive I see for this winter is the anecdotal argument that eventually something has gotta break our way, and maybe that'll be this winter. The negatives are many but I wonder if the drought is going to add more fuel on the futility fire. I no longer care about enso, teleconnections, analogs, or any long term forecast, they've all been trash indicators for long term winter forecasts. It's all a crapshoot and the only question is whether this losing streak has finally run it's course. My guess?.... not yet.
  8. Yep. Although that rain we got from the hurricane remnants did wonders to green up lawns again. I actually had to cut my grass and bag clippings last week. First time in probably 6 or 7 weeks. Do have to admit we had a hell of a severe storm season in Ohio with record # of tornados, so maybe this calm is the balancing act for that. If that saying about the rubber band effect is true... this winter should be epic. Of course there may still be a lot of stretch left in that band.
  9. got some rain....even down pours! Definitely too little too late for a lot of our perennials and some shrubs but I'll take it
  10. Yep...the ole "JB pendulum swing". Does have some truth though. It's brutal here locally. They've banned charcoal grilling and all outdoor fires and lots of lawns are going to have to be replaced.
  11. hopefully we can get something with the front coming through, although it's like spitting on sand at this point. Our drought is getting insane. Pretty sure large areas of our lawn are not just dormant but completely dead and will need replaced. This reminds me of the summer of '88 in southern OH....but it's actually worse.
  12. Well said. Josh makes a valid point about feb2015 but if you're going to have record cold waves you expect them to happen in Feb. Just like you'd expect August for record heat. You never really think of the transition months like March as having such an extreme temp departure for so long. I mean March is still considered Winter and yet we had such crazy heat for that time of year.
  13. drought begets droughts.....and that area is right over Hocking Hills and Wayne National Forest which is the foothills of the Appalachians. We need a wholesale pattern shift or help from tropical systems or it's going to get ugly when the leaves start dropping. Speaking of tropical systems.... wasn't this suppose to be an epic season? Granted we still have a month and a half of prime season but I don't think anyone was expecting it to be this slow going into September.
  14. Temperature-wise, I still think the most impressive run was Morch 2012, with Michigan having the most impressive departures. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't many places in central and northern MI have temps well into the 90's?
  15. If this continues, southeast OH into WV is going to be tee'd up for one hell of a wildfire season this fall.
  16. in fairness I did read a lot of hype about an early, hot dry start to summer. LC was constantly beating the Morch drum all winter. It seems like we haven't been able to keep a true heat wave locked in for quite awhile. Instead it's 2-4 days of above and then a break to equally anomalous lower temps. Kinda wouldn't mind a good ole fashioned shirt soaking lemonade drinking hankerchief wiping heat wave.
  17. 2am is 8 hours away. Who cares what’s happening at 2am, we need to worry about what’s happening in 3 hrs(central Ohio). Hard to imagine much weakening is going to happen in that time…probably the opposite.
  18. One other thing about kfc, they have the best damn cole slaw ever. I don't usually like mayonnaise-based slaw, but theirs's is awesome. I literally stopped there once for lunch, went thru the drive-thru and ordered 2 family-sized slaw tubs, (I was kinda embarrassed so I ordered 3 drinks so they wouldn't think it was all for me). I ate both entire tubs. Next day was brutal though....felt bad for my wife.
  19. Lol....I get it. My son-in-laws parents live up in extreme NW Ohio. Every time they come down here they never miss a chance to go there. I'm more of a KFC fan myself
  20. I don't know what it is about that place. I have one about 5 mins from me and I never go. It's fcking chicken fingers with a dip that's basically ranch and ketchup mixed.
  21. That's what I've heard. His balls descend when he logs on and ascend when he logs off.
  22. You're not doing Egypt? j/k, but that would be pretty damn cool too.
  23. I know it's not in our sub but I don't ever recall seeing a day 6 30% threat....chasers must be drooling
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