No, there was someone after Holbrook, but he was a local legend as well. I'm wondering if it was Mike Bettis he replaced, (yes same guy on weather channel), but he might have worked for ABC here too. Of course us old timers also remember the days when Larry Cosgrove was the chief on air met at the local ABC channel here in Columbus, (circa 80's).
Speaking of Holbrook, I thought this excerpt in a story about him as a forecaster here during the blizzard of '78 was funny:
Legendary 10TV meteorologist Joe Holbrook was closely monitoring the storm in WBNS' weather office. In the age before the Internet, local television meteorologists would go outside to check the station's thermometer for temperature, an anemometer for winds and barometer for pressure. Joe thought it was odd that the barometer reading had sunk close to 28 inches. He tapped on it thinking the needle was stuck. It did not move.
...ya think? lol
Ganahl is still here. Although Ganahl is a part-timer at channel 6 now and I'm not sure how much Gelber is still doing.