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Everything posted by buckeye

  1. This is not a slam, just an observation about our 2 most prolific/snowiest picture posters, Bow's pics look like they should be in a coffee table book entitled "Winter Wonderland" Your pics always look like the setting in a Stephen King movie.
  2. Models are all over the place with a 3-4 day storm....and not just a little bit.
  3. What determines whether it's a cutter or not is the geography of the poster. Of course that's a cutter to snowlover2....what's he suppose to call that? A hit? An app runner is a cutter to the i95 crew. A Milwaukee special is a cutter to you and a Fargo crusher is a cutter to Milwaukee. Happy New Year!
  4. It's really hard to imagine any storm not cutting well nw of us under this current pattern. Even the temporary cold shots will probably become muted as long range turns into short range. Not being a downer....we are just in an absolutely hostile pattern for winter storms, at least through the first 10 days of January and probably well beyond.
  5. +ao /+nao/ +epo/ -pna/ I'm dubious of anything that looks like this/\
  6. Kind of interesting. JB posted the MJO chart for the winter of '78 and amazingly, the late January blizzard occurred in the midst of phase 5 and then it traveled all the way through 6. Obviously it's all about trying to figure out which indice is going to be the driver.
  7. Can't believe I forgot the derecho.... Great call!
  8. Let me show you the glass half empty version: November is fall not winter, so you had one of the snowiest fall months on record which occurred in mostly one massive fluke and is now responsible for 80 % of your current average snowfall to date.
  9. True....assuming in a perfect world you get a stretch of near normal temps and storms riding more west to east....or one big block buster in the middle of a zzzzz book-ended pattern. How often do those things happen? The reality around here is we get a cutter that sends our temps soaring into the 50's followed by a cold front that drops us into the 20's....so yea, overall we end up with average temps and higher precip but it's predominantly rain and flurries. To get a lot of snow it usually requires a storm to go southeast of us or a clipper pattern, which almost always means colder than normal temps.
  10. Trying to recall the most memorable winter event for us throughout the last decade and the one that seems the most memorable is probably the February 2010 snowmaggaedon where we picked up like 30" of snow in 2 or 3 weeks. Then we had a weekend in which we picked up like 10" of snow from snow squalls and a clipper a few winters' back, (but I don't recall the exact year). It was memorable also for not being well forecasted. Other than that....granted my memory sucks...but I really can't think of much more. I'm sure some of the central Ohio group can fill it in. As far as most memorable weather event overall....I am still quite amazed by the '12 Morch...90's well up into Michigan in March is crazy.
  11. I think Don S. and Isotherm are looking the best so far that I've seen....granted it's very early so it's still any forecaster's game. Roger Smith, OTOH......he was touting an early winter thru December (for the east), turning around on New Year's.
  12. At this point the only fun thing to look forward to is the impending JB video meltdown. Already started to sound crazed in his vid a couple days ago, "this doesn't make sense...I don't understand...I think the models are missing something..." Wxbell changed their winter forecast a few weeks ago to go even colder in December thru Feb...
  13. Same here... we are only suppose to hit mid to upper 40's today, we'll easily see mid to upper 50's. Christmas is gonna roast....I bet we hit low 60's.
  14. If January is going to be lame then bring on a 2012 Feb and March redux!
  15. Indices are brutal as far as the models go out..... +AO, +NAO, PNA neutral going to negative, +EPO, and MJO moving from COD into 6 and 5. We need something to shake things up badly. in the meantime.... Merry Christmas
  16. Now c'mon....March '08 was only 11 years ago
  17. Definitely a top 5 winter event.for me. Heavy snow followed by a quarter inch of ice made for the most beautiful Christmas Eve and Day landscape ever. Of course not so much for the poor folks without electricity through the holidays.
  18. Hope I'm wrong because I love a good snowy January....but I think some of these calls I'm seeing for a positive change soon after New Years, especially for the southeast half of the sub, are dubious at best. I'm basing this on the indices (ao, nao, epo, and mjo) looking pretty blah if not outright hostile in the long term. Hope it turns around and we can get a memorable stretch in January.
  19. I'll take 2.5 more months. You can have second half of March and April....yuck
  20. You know it ain't good when the gfs starts losing its usual 300+ hour fantasy Arctic outbreaks.
  21. It's not about chasing the almighty dollar. It is possible to love what you do, but only have an opportunity to do it in certain climates. I literally could not have my business in a place where winter was 9 months out of the year and there are more moose than people. All that aside, I guess I'm a weenie, but not a finatic. I love snow storms and a couple of weeks of snow cover in the depth of winter....but that's it. Regardless of economics, I could never live in a place where the snow cover is deep and consistent for months on end....I'd be busting down a bathroom door with an axe yelling 'here's Johnny' in no time. It would ruin snow for me. What keeps me hungry is the fact that it isn't common in the first place, every 6"+ snow storm is essentially a novelty down here....and that's perfectly fine.
  22. I know, right.... I moved here because I was told Columbus was a snow town, I'm so p*ssed. I just hope the person advising me to move to the back woods of the UP for economic opportunity isn't bullsh*tting me too.
  23. Meh, I think we picked up 2" with the Sunday night portion, advisory was 2-4, so technically... Last night's part 2 was definitely a bust but it looks like it was a widespread bust for the northern portion of this. I wonder if all the severe stuff down south stole the thunder up north...or is that just an old meteorologists wives tale.
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