I know you've experienced less snow....I believe the year that CMH only got 9" was like '15-'16, (I think). Also lest we forget 11-12. But I do agree that this is by far the most boring winter, weatherwise that I can recall...possibly even back in the early to mid 70's living outside Philly. At least in 11-12 we had the Morch, plus I was in Hawaii most of January that winter so I didn't really care what was happening here.
But this winter, with it's endless stretches of upper 30's to lower 50's by day, very little sun, virtually nothing to track, (not even fantasy storms), has been the perfect backdrop for the profoundly depressed.
If there's such thing as karma in the weather world.... Jan/Feb 1978 redux should be in the cards very soon. A weenie can dream.