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Everything posted by buckeye

  1. I guess the only way not to be an outcast is to give right back to y'all. But I have a feeling the butt-hurt screams would be deafening. 29 posts. You haven't earned a reply, (just joking)
  2. My point is geography, yours is, "but someone else is doing it...". But I know there was another reason why us Ohioans don't like participating in the main threads....hmmmm....what was it again?.... ...oh that's right, the weird hardon and snark that some of you have for Ohio posters.
  3. I suspect the NAM is going to double down on it's 12z. Looking at the 18z sref it actually has the greatest precip amount to our nw
  4. On the bright side, sometimes when models are dealing with two waves close to one another, surprises can happen quickly with the second one. There's my happy weenie injection for the day
  5. Slowly losing the euro as this thing sinks south. Now watch the GFS come back tonight with a block buster storm for us
  6. Yep, big red flag. Really the only good run so far has been the nam +60 hrs. Not encouraging. GEM trended weaker and south, icon is nada, gfs is nada, ukmet was showing hope at 00z but it went back to crap at 12z. If I were a betting man I'd have to put my chips on the euro starting to cave at 12z. If not, then we can at least hug the ole EE rule. Regardless,after that it's a rainstorm followed by a sharp cold front that is transient. In this wavy pattern it's all about luck and timing. DC has the hot ticket right now.
  7. Trust me, I'd love to choke down crow on this one. I'm ready for some snow.
  8. I hate to say it but the gfs seems to make more sense to me. That first storm in front of it moving through the upper lakes delivers the cold, but the spacing might not be enough to allow the follow up energy to amp much.... IOW, washed-out turd. This may not even be a matter of the gfs and euro meeting halfway, probably one is going to score the coupe. Gfs scored the coupe on the MA storm, so there's that too unfortunately.
  9. ugh, the gfs was a nightmare for those of us south of i80. Back to back rainstorms with postfrontal flurries in between. Saving grace is it's the gfs longrange OP. Canadian is more 'rainy' looking with it's threats inside 240 hrs. Either way I'm getting a sinking feeling about January. MJO stuck in 7, pna stuck negative, ao and nao heading back up. Every threat and significant cold shot in the longterm either pushes back or becomes muted. It seems winter cant get sustained in the east as troughs move in and out and the SER keeps fighting back. Last year we had a sucky January and a flip in Feb. This year just has that 11'-12' stank to it. I remember January was boring as hell and pretty much every met, (except for Don S.), was touting a flip to cold that kept getting pushed back and eventually never came. If this January is a yawner I think there's a greater chance of a Feb/March warm up vs. a flip to colder. Nothing meterological....just a pessimistic feeling. oh, and Merry Christmas!
  10. If you're north of i-80 you may have a chance next week of 'something' frozen. Down here in the I-70 corridor....we're fked. The set up seems to be one that if a wave stays just a wave you have a chance. If it becomes something stronger it's cutsville.
  11. Yes! probably my favorite Christmas storm even though it occurred a week before. Where it stayed all snow in western Ohio and eastern IN, as you said, you guys got clobbered. I think there were totals above 30" in some places if not close to 40". We received 7" of snow followed by about .5" of ice. Got very cold following the storm right through Christmas. Between the snow and the ice-covered landscape, it was an amazing scene.
  12. Sounds like he took a page from Hugo Chavez. Redistribution of wealth and ending income inequality. Worked well for Venezuela.
  13. Bingo!....you guys have it good. Our 'sub'forum extends almost 1700 miles from northern MN to southern KY. It includes Chicago, Milwaukee, Indy, Cleveland, Cincy, Louisville, Detroit, the U.P., DesMoines and various Lake effect hot spots. We've managed to keep things somewhat under control but there are still times that the general storm threads can start to feel like the old days of Eastern when DC, Boston, and Columbus were all tracking the same storm and the threads turned into a dumpster fire. We've had this same question come up several times. We've band-aided the issue by breaking off separate pinned threads that are more localized, but then you run into having to decide which thread to post in as threats evolve.
  14. 1989 in reverse? December 1989 started cold and only got colder and colder. The peak hit about a week before Christmas where we got down to -18 here in CMH. Then when New Years Day came it was like someone flipped a switch and winter disappeared and never really came back. the rubber band theory. Although there are exceptions, 11-12'
  15. hoping for some record warmth in the next week or two if it's going to torch. Be awesome to take a 'sun's-out-guns-out' walk in December.
  16. we did too.... approaching a solid inch for the season thus far....
  17. Someone posted a map of percent of normal snowfall to date and the very small blob of highest above normal was on your house. You are the exception sir and what is happening to Chicago is much more widespread. Seriously wondering if ma nature lost her lap top and you found it.
  18. I'm right with you brother. Let's torch till a couple days before xmas and then let the bottom fall out...polar vortex...snowmaggaedon....winter's worst. Keep that going for the first 3 weeks of January then bring on Feb/March 2012. That's my perfect 'winter'.
  19. We had the perfect snowfall last xmas eve/day. Area-wide 3-5". So we're screwed on white xmas prospects for the next 30 yrs or so.
  20. Pretty soon we'll be considered subtropical here in Columbus while the northern flank of the sub will be relegated to making 50 page threads tracking flurries and graupel. I'm just glad this didn't happen 30 years ago when I was in peak weenie form. Actually smiled a bit when I saw those cfs maps.
  21. If it's not going to snow then I'll gladly take this as option 2
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