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Everything posted by buckeye

  1. This one is a tough one. Lots of moving parts including the storm coming thru the lakes tomorrow and the lead wave later in the week. There’s also the placement and timing of the pieces to the north that will determine how much the ser can be kept in check or allowed to pump. The bad news for us folks in the southern flanks of the forum is the gfs wants to bring this too far north for us, the good news is most of the other globals are at a perfect track. The winner stripe is going to have a huge prize but it’ll be narrow. Either way I’d rather roll the dice with a powerful storm and risk the wtod vs. left hoping for a strung out weaker storm and smaller prize….especially this time of year. Go big or go home
  2. euro laughs at gfs has a strung out southern POS before the next cutter develops. Gonna be hard to get cold into the game when there's no high pressure in Canada, only a bunch of LPs dancing all around.
  3. i have my usual 3 month subscription that I'll end in March. Kinda embarrassed to admit
  4. God love 'em. 4 months and hundreds and hundreds of pages on tracking and analyzing models and potential snow.... and .4" to show for it.
  5. Sucky winter but definitely not our worst ever. In fact I often judge a winter by whether there were any memorable events. I will always remember that insane front centered on Xmas eve. -8 at 1pm in the afternoon on Xmas eve. I have not seen that kind of cold during the day since the infamous Jan 94. Almost 30 years. We’ve had many winters where we hit avg or even above snowfall without a single event to remember them by. Also we had a white Xmas, we ended up scoring the most synoptic with that event in the forum outside les. We also got a nice over performer (while I was on vacation). We’ve had bigger ratters then this…by far.
  6. clouds will small breaks, low 50's, damp.
  7. Appropriately shaded sh*t brown…only thing missing is the squatting big dog
  8. We still get them... it's just that they are now drippers instead of clippers.
  9. 53 this morning….loving it! Tomorrow we have an enhanced severe threat. Feb is definitely rock’n!
  10. Does @hardypalmguy get complimentary breakfast with that free rent in your head?
  11. and it’s not like we’re south of you either…
  12. Ahhh yes, the sswe, aka the last vestige of a weenie
  13. Officially hit 70 today at the airport. Impressive. by the way, @michsnowfreak , the first step is acceptance.
  14. first high wind warning that actually was warranted here. The steel and glass door to my office just blew open....scared the crap out of me.
  15. This is an example from the 12z gfs. It seems with storms this winter, the cold sector precip shield almost always has rain outside the heaviest precip band, (even on the nw flanks). I don't recall seeing this in past winters on models, at least no where near as prevalent.
  16. Never underestimate the ability for CMH to pile up enough March and April car-toppers and single-day-slush-melts to bring us up to average leaving us scratching our heads wondering how the hell we got there. BTW, looks like it's gonna be a bit breezy tomorrow.
  17. the only 2 hours that it was cloudy at least had rainbow with it
  18. ugh, from 84 degrees, blue skies, soft breeze, and sipping away my days with mojitos and rum and cokes....to this craptastic 35 degrees, gray, and slushy slop piles. Well at least I have a nice tan lol. Next week kinda looks interesting depending on where that boundary settles in... icestorm anyone?
  19. thanks! 6 days of 'forget about life for awhile'. Coming back to snow or something to track would take the edge off returning to our usual depressing climo. So let's see what you guys can do to make that happen . Maybe find where Josh's magnet went, clearly he's misplaced it.
  20. My snowblower is still sitting in the back of the garage with a flat tire. The thing is a monster, more suitable for Buffalo then CMH but I got it super cheap brand new, ($168.00 a couple of summers ago). I was going to pull it out for the xmas eve snow but it was too damn cold and snow was like dry sand anyways. I'm heading for the carribean for a short vacation...hopefully something delivers on Sunday so I come back to snow followed by another storm on our doorstep later in the week. Truth be told, I'm worried next week's snow and turn to cold might be another headfake....just another batch of weakening lows and cold starved systems....hope not. The gfs is a dumpster fire but the euro is
  21. Nothing like a late March/ early April trash storm in the heart of winter.
  22. Interesting. I live in Central Ohio and late afternoon on the 23rd, after we had received 4.5" of snow, the temp was -8 and the windchill was in the stupid range. My wife was in the kitchen and I heard her scream. She said she opened the basement door and there was a 'big bird' in the stairwell. After getting the nerve to investigate, (yea i admit I'm not a fan of birds, bats, etc.), I went down in the basement and there was like 8 of them perched on the water pipes and flying around. They weren't small birds either. We have glass block basement windows but thankfully I can open a small section in each window. We blocked all the light in the basement except for one window and managed to scare and shoo them out one at a time. I've lived in this house for nearly 30 years and we've never had a bird in the house. I have no idea how they got in....which is the worst part of this. Best I can assume is they came in through the chimney and possibly in opening somewhere inside the wall or chimney itself. However they got in, it was pure desperation and survival on their part.
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