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About gopack42

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)

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  1. Pier cam in Emerald Isle https://www.ebmcdn.net/webcast/flash/bogue-inlet/live-iframe-jsobf.html
  2. My thermometer just fell to 0 degrees, so I guess that's something. One of the rare times I wish I was at my previous home in Emerald Isle lol
  3. I went to State too. I was there from 95-2000. Campout was so much fun. I was at the "last game" in Reynolds when we played FSU. I sat on the sidelines immediately behind David Thompson, Pam V, Norm Sloan, etc. They were in the row directly in front of me and we were the second row behind the bench. I got the poster they gave out for that game signed by everyone. So many great memories.
  4. What color does the NWS use to show "Roof Collapse Watch" and "Roof Collapse Warnings" on their maps?
  5. With the wind blowing all the fine powder that's falling, it's hard to get a feel for how much has fallen here on my property. It's drifting too much.
  6. 18° here and maybe 3" or so up here. Looks like we are in a similar situation
  7. We have maybe .33 inches so far here. It's 26 degrees and dropping quickly. Coming down at a pretty decent rate right now.
  8. Those freezing rain totals in S Ga would be.......not an ideal situation.
  9. I like your optimism. I too believe. Somewhat. Maybe.
  10. I just moved from Emerald Isle to Beech Mountain. I never thought I'd be in a position where you'd get more than me after I moved. My parents still live in EI, so maybe I ought to make the trip back!
  11. I've been away for a day or so.....are we too far west for the big accums based on the latest runs?
  12. Very jealous of you both. Ive always wanted to learn about photography. I think it would be a cool hobby to get into.
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