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Everything posted by BullCityWx

  1. We don’t need Canada to be vodka cold. Would it be necessary for heavy snow and temps in the teens? Probably. If Canada was full of extreme cold, we’d be talking about an I-10 snowstorm.
  2. You’ve got pretty much a perfect pattern. -NAO, +PNA, -AO.
  3. Should be noted the euro digs Fridays low 150 miles SE of the GFS.
  4. 0Z GFS has a major southside Virginia snowstorm. Not too far of a shift south needed for people north of 40. With the pattern advertised, a south trend is entirely possible.
  5. I will say the GFS v16 seems to have promise .
  6. The King is still the King. The Canadian has made ground on the UKMET. The GFS is still out to lunch.
  7. To be fair, I think Brad is stronger in the mid range(5-10). I prefer Webber, DT and Allan for LR. Just my two cents though.
  8. GFS has an event for the mountains around 276 this go around but I will eat my hat if a storm goes from Charleston to Lumberton to Albemarle with that setup.
  9. Yep. There was even a significant event on the control late in the run, even if it took a stupid track(a low is not going to go from Biloxi to Troy to Auburn to the Cumberland Plateau) with damming high in place and a significant -NAO.
  10. If you want a really warm day, it looks like Sunday is the last day for any sort of extreme warmth. After Sunday, it looks average at best going to below average week 2.
  11. Only copperhead we’ve ever found was right after Florence under our trash can. It was a baby.
  12. Yep, you still have clay around Durham. Once you go east of the fall line, the soil turns less and less clay. There’s actually so much clay here that you have a lot of ceramics and such being made with it. Randolph County has a lot of homemade pottery stores.
  13. It was a little disappointment as we missed the rain/snow line for the first half by maybe 10 miles.
  14. Doesn’t look too warm outside of NYE and NYD
  15. I think I read the weeklies featured a strong -NAO two weeks from now
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