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Everything posted by wishforsnow

  1. Looking out at the drive I would estimate around 3 inches here in Hancock. I decided to work from home not so much due to the weather but this low pressure has really flared up my arthritis all over.
  2. From the album: Lake Effect

    Part of my yard down to grass.
  3. NE part of my small yard has all melted down to the grass. That is where the water lines comes into my house. Now I don't have an insulated cover of snow. Hope we get snow to cover it back up before it gets too cold.
  4. I seen more people out on the canal today and they were on both sides of the bridge. Stupid idea. This is the first time in the 28 years I lived here I seen people out on the ice outside the snowmobilers going across.
  5. Coming home crossing the lift bridge into Hancock off to the left I seen a group of presuming MTU students playing hockey on the canal. The ice can't be that thick. It just froze when we got that blast of cold and snow and has been warm since.
  6. It feels like early April here. Dirty snow banks everywhere. My roof is completely melted off. The animals are acting like it is April. Wonder If the snow statues will hold up for MTU winter carnival. Snowmobiling is on hold. The trails are nothing but rock. There is no base before the big snow early January.
  7. We are getting hammered here in the Keweenaw. Getting a west flow which favors my area. Just got in from digging out the furnace vent due to drifting. I can't hardly see down the street at times. Now I am waiting for the legal time to blow the driveway. We can't run blowers before 7 am here. Then off to work.
  8. Blew the driveway. It was very fluffy. About a foot I estimate. Flakes are larger now so the lake effect has kicked in. Going to be doing this all the coming week. Looks like maybe a Bayfield bomber for Monday for Houghton-Hancock metroplex.
  9. Fiddle around here in Hancock all night. Just light snow and then greatly picked up in intensity around 6 am. Flakes are larger now. Lake effect must be kicking in. My father called earlier and it wasn't doing anything in Twin Lakes. He was thinking about heading here to my house and I told not too. I had a feeling it would get more intense and I was right. I seen this many times where It didn't do much overnight and then by 6 am it cuts loose. I haven't been outside yet. Waiting for my blabber mouth neighbor to finish his driveway and go in. I hate having to yak with someone when I am trying to get something done.
  10. Ice storm warning issued for NW UP. I know what they are like. I been through plenty of them in Iowa. I remember when I was 4 years old had a bad ice storm knocking out the power for two weeks. We slept in one room bundled up under covers to stay warm. Dad had a propane heater he would turn on to warm the room up and turn it back off to conserve gas plus not gassing us to death.
  11. I received 5 inches from the first wave and 12 inches from the second wave. That is what I had in my driveway. Luckily, I didn't let all of it pile up. I blew the 5 inches and then the 12 inches the next day. The pile in my yard is getting impressive. We get more storms like this I am going to have to get an end loader to move the snow back to make room for more.
  12. Power never went off through this whole things. Seems like it doesn't go off here very much since that Derecho a few years ago knocking power out to the whole Keweenaw. UPPCO did a lot of trimming branches away from the trees here. I was surprised I didn't have any larger branches fall off my two remaining black spruces.
  13. Wind has come up some mix precip. Suppose to get plain snow around noon. 1-2 inches today and a couple more. Lots of power outages Marquette county and east of Lake Linden/Dollar Bay. No outages so far here in Houghton-Hancock. Lights have blinked a few times but stayed on. Lost lots of snow here in Hancock. Half my yard is down to grass. Even the path I take the snowblower in the yard has melted off. So this is the second time of beating it down and it melted off. Hope third time is the charm and it will stay all winter.
  14. It looks so far in my neck of the woods it is doing like it did last winter. A few days of winter weather, then many days of blow torch.
  15. No snow yet. Dang dry air. It seems to throw a wrench into these storms. I like to get some wetter snow to pank down where I run the snowblower up into the yard before the lake snow starts. The first snow I panked down melted. Evey time the NWS issues a warning it does this. The kiss of death.
  16. Some lake effect snow in my neck of the woods maybe heavier end of weekend if that Alberta Clipper comes. Usually get three snows that melt off before it stays. We already had one.
  17. Bayfield Bomber setting up for here tonight and tomorrow. Good thing I bought gas for the snowblower.
  18. Had a pretty good snow squall that last many hours come through the Houghton-Hancock metroplex. Enough to warrant firing up the snowblower to get the driveway clean. Couldn't hardly see down the street at times due to the falling snow and blowing snow. Now it has quit and moved onto the south.
  19. This winter so far is reminding me of 97-98 when we had a very strong El Nino. When we did get a snow we didn't get much. It seems they keep forecasting a robust lake effect snow and then it is a bust.
  20. Received my shot last week at work. my arm hurt like hell a few hours later, and fatigue. That went away after a day or two. Now got to wait 28 days before getting the second shot.
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