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Everything posted by Radtechwxman

  1. Any recommendations for paid weather model sites? Thinking of subscribing to one.
  2. Well these trends are no beuno for my neck of the woods. At least on euro.
  3. Will 0z runs have a full sampling of the system? Also anyone who has 18z gem or euro maps you should share
  4. #stopthenorthshift. Starting this now. Haha
  5. Damn GFS big jump north. I feel like it may be too warm. It's pushing rain up to I80. But seems like with intense frontogenic forcing and dynamic cooling, it changes over to heavy snow fairly quick. It's heavy snow axis looks similar to Euro now. These north ticks need to stop here though. I'm getting too close for comfort to southern end of heavy band. Ha
  6. Angrysummons you really live up to your name. Cue the Taylor Swift song, You Need To Calm Down. You have seasoned mets trying to educate you but you keep trolling with nonsense posts. Go to the banter thread.
  7. Man I was just originally here for the meteorology but nowadays I get a complimentary reality TV show too. The Real Weatherweenies of Americanwx Forums. The pettiness and drama is strong on this one. I do appreciate those who are inputting quality analysis posts and not childish arguments
  8. Story of our lives. Lol. Forever riding the cutoff
  9. If only we could lock those in now. Lol. Straight up weather weenie porn right durr
  10. Thanks for those man. I haven't looked at those maps in ages. Ah the memories. Definitely saving that link.
  11. Ah looking at the old school version. Would you mind linking me?
  12. Where do you go to see it loaded so fast? On pivotal it is barely out.
  13. DVN for sure. Always get tornado warnings near by. Big wind events. Often in the heavy snow axis. Rockford isn't bad either. N IL lucks out a lot. I didn't do an in depth look. Just a quick glance at the sfc map. So definitely could be wrong myself. I'm partly wishcasting
  14. Obviously take it with a grain of salt because it's nam and it's long range but it has a more southerly look to it. Yes I'm grasping for straws here.
  15. Dude same! They always get nailed in winter storms and always seem to get severe wx nearby. Peoria on occasion lucks out but overall more often get missed.
  16. Looks like a nail biter as usual here. Hoping for a south trend usually doesn't end well unless it's a clipper. I'm on the southern end of most guidance now. Guessing for a near miss to the north. Would be nice to get big snow but as long as I don't get cold rain I will be semi content.
  17. Good ol' Goofus model. 18z run is like what storm. Lololololol
  18. Well if I miss the snow could have my 2nd ice storm of the 2020-2021 winter season lol
  19. I definitely would rather be in the in between with models at this stage. Being in jackpot days out usually doesn't end well unless it's GHD 2011 blizzard which locked in like a week out. Ha
  20. 12z euro miss north like by miles. 12z gfs miss south barely. Lock it in. Lol. Obviously take heavy snow axis with grain of salt at this time but does look like cut off will be sharp and could be near here. Low track is actually great on the GFS and Euro for my area but guessing some warm air aloft getting pulled north could set up the mixing line nearby.
  21. Amen to this! Lol. Nice to finally join the club of good winter storms. Looks like we get colder again after a brief torch. Hopefully that comes with some storms for us all! Spread the wealth!
  22. Snow finally ended. Probably got 3in. It's a very heavy wet snow which is just weighing down the branches which were already stressed with ice. You can hear trees moaning and screeching and branches crashing down. Transformers are starting to blow. Been seeing power flashes and corresponding booms.
  23. Man this snow has been a nice surprise. I thought most of it was going to be to my nw. Upper low setup perfectly for me to get in the pivot point. Easily have 2in now and coming down hard.
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