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Everything posted by Radtechwxman

  1. You're not lying. Def trust hrrr more than nam. Really hoping euro has this one slam dunked. Gfs solution would just suck. Lol. So close yet so far away.
  2. That would be par for the course for here. Good ol central IL doughnut hole
  3. I see 18z gfs is continuing to gfs. I'm eager to see this in nam's range in a few days.
  4. It's called sarcasm but compared to euro it's like a dusting. Ha
  5. I'm sure they are having nuclear meltdowns like they often do. Lol. At least we can handle a miss and defeat even though it sucks. We watch them get nor'easters constantly. I remember same thing happened with GHD I. I think one model hung on to coastal storm while everything else was a GLC and they were fuming.
  6. Gfs still continues to be a stubborn mule but has a robust clipper come in behind the bigger storm on Xmas Eve
  7. If only we could lock that in now and this was only a few days out
  8. I'm still very happy with 0z euro compared to 12z run. Incredible bombing low albeit further ENE this run. Hoping an east trend won't commence with the cut. I like where it is.
  9. I wouldn't put much stock into any one solution right now esp the GFS
  10. I think we did but can't remember if it was gfs caving to euro or euro caving to gfs. Probably the latter
  11. I never knew that, thanks for that info. Definitely eager to see how this evolves over the coming days. I wonder if euro will hold firm or will cave to a gfs like solution with a coastal storm and only a glancing blow here from northern stream energy.
  12. Gfs being stubborn. Clipper like system to nor'easter transition. It's not wanting to do a GLC. Either it will be the lone model right or completely wrong.
  13. Funny b/c gfs was the model originally showing a GLC and really wound up sfc low for many runs and then it started bouncing all over the place. Now euro is the one showing this with some support from other global guidance. No way we will get something as extreme as 12z euro but even half that would be amazing. Gfs seems like it is baby stepping towards its original solution. Would like to see it cut more west and track a little more north than 18z showed.
  14. Right?! Wishcasting keeps the forum lively. Definitely eager to see how this pattern shift pans out. Would be a shame to see all this cold air go to waste but wouldn't be first time. Ha
  15. Not to get our hopes up for a good storm in long range or not get sucked in run to run on every model or both? Ha
  16. Yeah that 06z run of gfs was pretty depressing. Lol. A lot of cold and no snow. No thank you. Hopefully some kind of storm comes back on later runs. GFS has been fluctuating a lot. Honestly euro has as well. Man I want a white Xmas for a change. Plus I hate just cold and dry. Give me some snow!
  17. Man we can dream right? 0z euro is dream run but feel like a gfs like solution will end up being more plausible with some posdible advisory criteria snowfall with arctic front. A big storm would be nice but not getting my hopes up. GFS was showing something similar to euro before but hasn't had it for days now. Curious to see this in nam's range.
  18. Pretty much sounds like they will go high at some point. Parameters def support it. Storm mode is my main concern but like Quincy said, the hodos will support at least semi-discrete supercells even if shear vectors aren't completely perpendicular to initiating waa regime.
  19. 14z hrrr is a potent run. Trio of long track supercells emerging out of ne LA into central MS with some intense, long helicity tracks.
  20. 18z nam has a very concerning scenario and likely nocturnal tornado event
  21. This thread sure is dead for a enhanced risk in late Nov. This definitely has some synoptic similarities to Dec 10, 2021. Will it be of that caliber? Probably not. But definitely bears watching.
  22. I thought you meant for your home in Hamburg. I was like your pictures told a way different story. Lol
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