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Everything posted by Radtechwxman

  1. Gfs another swing and miss but nice front end thump with waa snows
  2. Given how this winter has went here probably will happen. Lol
  3. I never did understand that. The runs before they upgraded overnight were already showing significantly lower amounts. Even an advisory is a stretch for this in most areas.
  4. Hrrr keeps hinting at big fill in later but I'm iffy on how robust this dry slot is
  5. Hrrr has some hope with deformation band filling in later as upper energy approaches and sfc low pulls away. I'm skeptical but we shall see. Quote Last few winters have been rough. Either getting missed or last second downtrend. They finally downgraded us to WWA. This is definitely a terrible bust. Hoping hrrr is right about snow filling in later.
  6. Definitely a little bummed this current system isn't going to amount to much here then possibly could get a rainer from this next system. Not what I was expecting from this pattern. Lots of time for change but my hunch is this will be north. WAA snows might miss north. I'm hoping for some wrap around accumulation at least.
  7. 12z gfs was step in wrong direction but curious what ensemble will show
  8. Feel like this may end up more north since snow pack from current system going to be more north now with snow busting further south today because of dry slot. Could miss out on waa snows with further north track but hoping I won't get all rain with deformation band.
  9. Well this going to be a bust of epic proportions here. Massive dry slot in MO going to end snow very early. Snow quality has been minimal as well. I will be shocked if we get 1-2in. This winter can piss right off. Have a feeling weekend storm gunna end up more north now because of limited snow pack laid down now.
  10. Euro doesn't seem as on board with gfs with a more wound up/north precip shield. WAA snows could be interesting Fri night.
  11. Nope. Lol. I'm sure it will crap out to. I'm using reverse psychology
  12. I would gladly take 0z gfs especially after how this current system took a crap on me
  13. Hrrr is odd. Has a decent duration of snowfall, some good rates at times, yet shows pitiful accumulations.
  14. Keeping a glimmer of hope for weekend storm but keeping my expectations low unlike I did with this storm. Lol
  15. Yeah don't remind me. Congrats to Iowa and Michigan crowd. Illinois can't catch a break this year esp my neck of the woods.
  16. You and me both. At least we got another storm system to look forward to disappointing us this weekend.
  17. Models definitely seem to struggle more these days. This is probably worse downfall in a system I seen in a long time. Simulated reflectivity did look like it should have produced more snow than it did
  18. After how this Wed system is panning out I am not holding much faith
  19. 18z hrrr looks so bad. Man how the good have fallen. Now getting 2-3in may be optimistic.
  20. It's unfortunate how it kind of dries up further south. Only looks like 3-4in of solid snow rates. Curious how much this drying comes to fruition. Hoping for a better deformation band to materialize.
  21. I'm really shocked ILX upgraded to warning. This is going to be advisory snow. Definitely bummed about this one. Has not be a kind winter.
  22. Definitely seems to be the theme of this winter. I truly thought we finally reeled one in but seasons trend won't be denied. Sigh
  23. Major oof on euro. I hope trends reverse tomorrow. But not counting on it.
  24. You and me both! But getting 4-6in would be nice but may be a stretch now. Hey there's another shot of disappointment this weekend.
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