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Everything posted by Radtechwxman

  1. Must say models tonight have me nervous. Dry slot and mixing line VERY close. I hope the nw trend stops or corrects back se. But a continued nw shift wouldn't surprise me.
  2. 18z euro jump nw. Man. This nw trend can stop anyday now. Has mixing line right on me. Hoping for slight correction back se
  3. Would be an absolute shame to see that happen when we finally get quality cold air in place. Models probably going to struggle until they resolve the early week system and the snow pack it lays down
  4. Okay nw shift can stop now ha. Getting a little too close for comfort to rain-snow line
  5. I do agree thermals are an issue esp with eastern extent cuz of strong waa but don't agree it won't changeover till late Tues. I think strong forcing and dynamic cooling will help changeover.
  6. ILX majorly downplaying this in their latest afd. Calling for mix or potentially rain through majority of the event well into Tues.
  7. Yeah typical nam. Usually on north end of guidance in its long range but falls in line with guidance as we close in. Unless this does end up stronger and nw which is plausible. Hoping for a nice front end thump.
  8. That's not surprising. Lol. But definitely misleading the public. On a side note nam looking like it will be relatively north at end of its run. Probably near STL. Nice front end thump. If you can believe its temp profiles.
  9. Did you see the 1000mb contour was inside the 996mb contour? Lol
  10. I just don't buy rain-snow line being that west and I think they're being a bit conservative with the low strength
  11. I would love to know what model blend they're following. I do agree rain or mix will start before a changeover in the heavier rates in deformation band but I think they're too weak with low and a bit too warm.
  12. OP euro was definitely struggling with the thermals. It's a shame this system doesn't have a nice arctic air mass to work with. Pretty much depending on intense precip in def band to dynamically cool column for snow. Ratios going to be low. Someone nearby will get warning criteria snowfall but this easily could have been a widespread foot plus for a bigger area if antecedent air mass was colder.
  13. Wondering if it's having convective feedback issues
  14. Definitely would think with a system that dynamic that deformation band would change to solid snow in the heavy precip. Hopefully sampling soon will help models resolve this.
  15. Euro is a torch. Lol. Deformation band is mostly a mix. Snow amounts terrible
  16. It was very much sarcasm. Lol. But I will take anything at this point! Snow is snow!
  17. GEFS remains nw of the OP. This has been a pretty consistent trend.
  18. That isn't our system. That's the Aleutian low. Our system is a smaller disturbance rotating around the base of that low. Probably why models are struggling right now.
  19. Here I was worried about a nw shift and now I'm hoping for one. Lol. Not digging this trend.
  20. Other models taking a se shift esp Canadian. Ukmet looks like snow just dies over IL. Looks like possible thermal issues. Guessing euro will be more se than 12z run. 0z gfs is as good as it gets. If only we were closer. Would love to lock that in.
  21. I haven't looked at anything for the weekend storm so I took the word verbatim. Should know better. Ha. But that also doesn't make me feel easy because I'm afraid of a last second nw trend with this one which will put me in mixing, rain, or dry slot. But like Chicago Storm said, still a lot of moving pieces to come together to see where this will track.
  22. Just waiting for this storm to do the same. Lol
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