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Everything posted by Radtechwxman

  1. And gfs and euro both were only showing temps around 70. That's definitely underdone
  2. Well this system was an epic bust and one next week misses way south. So over winter. Bring on spring.
  3. It did come down nicely here. Good rates. Relatively low visibility. If it was moving slower we easily could of got 2-4in.
  4. Yeah you guys are in for a great storm. Mad jelly
  5. Getting nice rippage with WAA snow. Hrrr had it missing me. Wish it was moving slow because could dump a lot fast. Hoping maybe a sign we will get surprised tomorrow.
  6. Wish that could be IL but apparently never going to happen this winter
  7. That euro run was trash. Crazy we are so close to event and models all over the place. How did euro do with last storm?
  8. I thought the exact same thing. Maybe moisture getting robbed by convection. I definitely don't dig the look of gfs for me.
  9. I'm happy for the potential for you Michigan folks. But wish I could squeak in one good snow. Waa snows definitely look to be non event here. My only hope is the wraparound.
  10. Well the rich get richer on 12z hrrr. Miss waa snow and deformation band takes a while to change over here. Would be nice to catch a break for one system. Need it se a bit more but that's unlikely.
  11. 06z runs didn't look as favorable. If 12z runs follow suit I'm probably going to say those 0z runs were a fluke
  12. Euro wanting to always crush dreams. It couldn't play nice and jump on board. 0z very encouraging but I'm still remaining highly skeptical. Hopefully models continue this tomorrow.
  13. Watch it get so amped and screw us. Ha. I would give my right testicle for 0z nam to verify. Definitely steps in right direction. Hoping it continues on models tomorrow. But still feel jackpot may be I80 north. Peoria has nearly a 13in deficit. I need this. Lol
  14. Why I didn't get invested in this because I knew this was going to happen. Following seasonal trends.
  15. Well this certainly is trending favorably for me. I can't think of a worse winter here. WAA snows probably going to miss north. System phases too late so no wraparound. And next week storm track is suppressed. Back to miserable cold and dry. Still hoping I can get some WAA snow but not optimistic at all.
  16. Probably gunna get the jackpot yet again. Lol
  17. You're not wrong there. Sigh. We need to combine forces to pull this a little south
  18. Guess the rich get richer. Share the wealth! Gfs develops a robust system just not in time. Happens east. Euro develops it quicker. Gfs vs euro showdown again. I'm sure gfs will win.
  19. Feel like same areas that just got the best snow going to get it again. I'm on very southern edge of waa snow. Amount of wraparound obviously depends on organization of system. Afraid it may be a string out mess like nam. If that happens I miss the waa snow and really no wraparound. Nail biter for sure. I'm rooting for Euro. Lol
  20. Officially 2.1" in Peoria. Looks like more in spots. Sad to say but my biggest snow so far this winter. Hoping to get more this weekend but not getting my hopes up like i did for this one.
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