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Everything posted by met_fan

  1. Citi had 24 ouncers for $16 this year!
  2. Stapleton is more southern rock/soul/blues than cornball country
  3. My December avg temp (37.4) is currently running less than a degree below my November temp (38.3). Do Decembers ever actually run warmer than Novembers in SNE?
  4. Hating sun and pedestrians is a new one
  5. So the last twenty years would knock Boston down two or three points
  6. I am very much not a social person and there is still nothing better than browsing a good book store.
  7. Just a riff on cheese with that whine, wasn’t it?
  8. Yeah I put the lights up on a warm November weekend every year, but don’t turn them on until after Thanksgiving.
  9. Snowing lightly here in the valley at 37 degrees
  10. I’m 48. I do remember watching it a little bit when WPIX (or WWOR?) would show the Stooges and old King Kong movies during the day on Thanksgiving growing up in the 80’s.
  11. We’re talking the 40’s and 50’s here…how old are you guys?
  12. Nothing? Just think of it as something kind of cool in nature?
  13. I love finding those giant nests after leaves are down that you never realized were there.
  14. This thread is 1) argue about foliage, 2) argue with Winter Wolf about warmth/cold…rinse and repeat ad nauseum. I shouldn’t complain since I don’t contribute, but jeez.
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