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About met_fan

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Easthampton, MA

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  1. I have a feeling people on this forum are more invested in snow on Christmas than most kids are.
  2. If you can afford a house in West Hartford, are you really worried about the price of taking down some trees?
  3. Feel like it would have to be more like LSD to hallucinate more than a foot of snow.
  4. There are a lot people here with good memories, so maybe someone can solve this for me. When I look at my snow totals I recorded for last year, I have 13.5” listed for 12/7-12/8. After hearing so many here talk about how bad last December was, I looked at last December’s stats at a few nearby coop stations and could not find any snow reports like mine. Am I crazy? Where could that 13.5 have come from?
  5. I had 16” by this date last year (of the 22.5” total I had for the year) and have 1.5” so far this year.
  6. At my family’s in Binghamton area and have 6-7 inches…down the hill a few hundred feet is a couple slushy inches.
  7. I enjoy snow, but give me the nicer, cheaper house 10 times out of 10.
  8. Stopped for gas near the Hadley/Northampton bridge this afternoon and there was a heavy smoke smell and the sky to the north looked hazy/smokey. Can’t find any news of a fire though.
  9. Well you were closer for down here…my last 80 degree reading was on Sunday
  10. Wiz taking heat for his style from all the no doubt dapper dressers in a weather forum.
  11. Seems like, at least in MA, pretty much anyone can buy flood insurance, whether you’re in a flood zone or not. However, I am certainly no expert.
  12. I will definitely take a walk through there this fall
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