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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Nice to come home at the end of the day and see 6 new pages to read in a storm thread, been awhile! Don't have much to add since everything's been pointed out but I'm happy to see the Euro/UK on the same page. GFS like an old drunk still trying to perform like it did in the past, but just flails around miserably lol.
  2. Hopefully we can get another 1"+ sleet storm to add another layer of glacier to the existing glacier lol.
  3. Coldest temp of the season so far this morning at 5. Lofted up to 36 this afternoon. Still a good 6" of snowpack, with lots of drifting from last night's near 50mph winds. The fresh 2" that fell Sunday really blew around on that crusty ice underneath it.
  4. One thing I remember about GHD2 is that we were sort of caught in a thermal ridge much of that first evening. Had rain mixing in with the snow deep into the evening which kept much from accumulating. Models were consistent with a lot of snow to come after the full changeover but it was a bit frustrating hanging onto the mix so long. It ended up working out for the best though as the extremely wet snow and rain mix was slowly caking trees, and once it fully transitioned to all snow the trees REALLY got caked. Woke up the following morning to significant tree damage to one of the trees in the backyard as very heavy snow continued to fall. Ended up with around 15".
  5. Getting 40-50mph wind gusts the past 20 mins or so. Roaring out there. DVN gusted to 51mph a short while ago, MLI 48mph.
  6. GHDI was a very monumental event of course. The hype for that one was well founded, and lasted quite awhile before the storm hit. Models were pretty locked in on that one from the start it seemed. Below are just a few images I saved from guidance shortly before the storm hit. One was from the RUC backup, and the other was from the RAP IIRC. Also, here's a radar time lapse from LOT of the event. I wish I would have made it with the regular color palette instead of the winter themed one, but here it is. Love how you can see the LE snows kick in towards the end as the synoptic snows began to pull away.
  7. Had several decent snow showers with large flakes. Looked legit out there a few times, albeit for only a few mins each.
  8. Yeah looking forward to it. They also can grow 5ft or more per year, so should be fun to watch take off in coming years.
  9. Very nice. I'll be putting a dawn redwood in the front side yard in the spring. It's a conifer, but it loses it's needles every fall which is pretty cool. Can grow over 100ft tall eventually. Example of one below
  10. Have a shot at the first subzero temp of the season Saturday morning.
  11. New Euro shows a nice January soaker for much of the sub for the 25-26th. As much as I'd love to keep the snowpack I'd take that over CAD. At least there's some storminess to watch.
  12. Pretty fortunate it's looked like this for over 2 weeks now. About 6" OTG after this morning's fresh 2".
  13. Damn, over 30" of snow on the ground. I've seen around 20" a time or two, but nothing like that. Hopefully something like that happens again someday before I crap out lol.
  14. Despite hi-res models backing off on precip yesterday evening we managed to get 2.3".
  15. Other than the epic 60 minute sleet storm this has been a pretty wussy winter so far. No cold, no storm systems with balls. Feeling quite fortunate to have had a good cover of snow and ice last the past few weeks in the midst of a deadbeat winter.
  16. Pretty good, about 4" or so. That epic sleetstorm and subsequent glazing did wonders, plus we've stayed below 40 the past few weeks. Getting some snizzle now as lift is slowly increasing. Models have backed off ever so slightly on precip, so getting 2" tonight may be a stretch. Should still get a good inch hopefully.
  17. Looks like tonight's wave will be the best of the multi-day event for this area. Should get at least an inch of fresh snow after midnight, but wouldn't be surprised to see here or nearby make a run at 2"
  18. March. Radar returns backing in from the northeast are getting chewed up before they get here. Models show a good period of light snows moving in after midnight.
  19. Nice snow shower here with some very large flakes slowly floating down. Picked up almost a half inch which bumps us up over 7" for the season now.
  20. As expected nada overnight. Hope to get in on a squall or two later on, and then a chance tonight for a wave of snow to move in. Hope we can stack an inch between the two of them.
  21. Picked up a few hundredths of rain and a T of snow earlier.
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