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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. We've seen models go too far in one direction in the past, only to correct back the other direction as we close in on the event. Definitely still time for the pendulum to swing back in the other direction.
  2. And that's on top of 2"+ that fell early this morning lol. Definitely been an Iowa/MN winter up to this point.
  3. NBM through 00z Tue. Nice radar representation along the I-80 corridor.
  4. We've had some ultra dogs over the past 10 years, so I'm good with it. Give me a 6"+ storm in a season and that's good enough for me to get my "fix" lol. Of course would love another 10"+ but those are much harder to come by.
  5. Was pretty confident in a 10" storm yesterday, still could happen but looking more like a 6-9" type storm. Still solid, and will be the best in a few seasons.
  6. You guys are absolutely killing it this year. Only 0.1" here lol. You guys are now over a foot ahead of us for the season. Luckily the sleet storm from hell solidified our glacier and made the most of what fell.
  7. Finally starting to snow after 10hrs of top down saturation.
  8. That's extraordinarily bad luck considering how CR sits in the middle of where so many big dogs have tracked through the decades. Maybe the 140mph derecho was an effort by ma nature to balance the scales.
  9. Despite some fluctuations for various parts of the sub with the new 00z guidance things have largely stayed the same for this area. Usually a pretty good sign. Looks like the heaviest rates Mon eve.
  10. IIRC that's about the same area that got absolutely demolished by the Nov '18 snowstorm. Very impressive.
  11. For Hoosier, the 21z RAP has over a foot of snow already at 00z Tue for much of southern IA with snow continuing.
  12. Yeah if it were up to me I def would have included another row or two of counties up that way. Can always back it down to an advisory if needed later on, and the risk is worthy of a watch given the potential high impact if directly hit.
  13. Coldest temp of the season so far this morning here at zero. DVN also bottomed out at zero, and MLI at 2 above. Still awaiting that first subzero temp at all locations.
  14. Dammit, DVN stalled the east edge of the new winter storm watch about 6 miles west of here at the Rock Island/Whiteside CO border. Bad omen??? Jk
  15. I'm all in for a good 10"+ for here/QC. Gonna be a nice one.
  16. Man I miss seeing him on TV. Grew up watching him. Haven't been able to watch the past several years after WGN America removed the news from their lineup.
  17. One of my all time favorites was the 12/1/06 storm. It wasn't too crazy as far as snow totals here (11"), but we just narrowly escaped getting completely shut out by the northwest edge of the precip. The wall of snow backed in from the southeast and stalled about 20-30 miles northwest of here, and on the other side of that they didn't get a flake. When the snow moved in it went from nothing to heavy snow in 10-15 minutes, and the winds picked up as it started to precipitate as well. Models had been showing us right on the extreme cutoff so it was difficult to forecast and figure out how much would fall. IIRC the official forecast from DVN had us in like 3-6" or something. Just southeast of here in Princeton they had 18". Radar animation using DVN site.
  18. Definitely liking where I sit at this point.
  19. With the sun out you can see parts of the snowpack glisten where the icy glaze is exposed where snow had blown off to drift elsewhere.
  20. Originally was going to go into meteorology, but instead of that following the weather/chasing (very little anymore lol) is a hobby. Been into weather since I was a kid though. Been a chemist going on 17 years now, hard to believe it's been that long already. Time flies!
  21. 36 today but didn't lose much. Still a good 5-6" snowpack.
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