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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Tor warnings in southwest MO, with heavy snows about to take place up in northeast IL/IN. Nice looking storm.
  2. Woops, make that freezing rain. Glaze of ice already on the snow, and some on the trees as well. Paved areas not freezing though. DVN shows melting layer at about 4000ft. HRRR shows us all snow by 6pm, so we'll see.
  3. Cold rain and 32 here. Have had off and on heavy drizzle the past few hours. Was quite a bit of blowing/drifting snow out in the open earlier before the drizzle capped it.
  4. Gonna lower the call from 6-8" to 2-5" for this area. As intense as the precip will be there's just too much WAA to overcome. Wouldn't be surprised if we get another mega sleet dump as we transition from rain to snow early this eve.
  5. Ha well we ain't no stranger to a string of 60s in Feb and that would nuke it all to hell, but it would have the capability to hold on longer than a "normal" 10" snowpack lol.
  6. If mixing issues end up being an issue and we only get a few inches of snow it's only going to make the snowpack in place that much more formidable. Would prefer an all-snow 6+ incher but there is an upside to the mixing scenario at least lol. Would have loved to get in on that 2"/hr scenario the models were putting out in previous cycles. It's still possible but looking less likely for these parts.
  7. Mixing issues had been looking to stay just south of the QCA, but now it's looking like we'll be dealing with that to start. Think we'll very quickly go over to very heavy snow though with the heavy precip. Gonna ride my 6-8"+ call.
  8. The top layer from the most recent layer settled a bit, so down to about 10". Highest I can remember was somewhere around 20".
  9. DVN going with 7:1-10:1 LSR for the cwa which sound pretty solid. I will say that LSRs could be briefly much higher in the first enhanced band. Wouldn't be surprised to see large flakes with that add up very quickly. Gonna ride the 6-8" call but wouldn't be surprised if totals are more than that, especially a bit northeast of here.
  10. Think this system should be more enjoyable than the most recent one with what looks like very nice rates for a period. That should be fun.
  11. -5 this morning, finally the first subzero of the season both here and at MLI.
  12. Definitely like where I'm sitting even though there's a ways to go. This time next week I'll be out back building igloos.
  13. 00z Euro is actually wetter than the 12z for the DVN cwa. Would be another warning criteria event for at least a portion of the cwa.
  14. Pretty close to a foot of snow on the ground, with the bottom 4" a solid glacier with more snows on the way this weekend. About as deep winter as it gets around these parts.
  15. Just mood flakes off and on all day with no additional accum, so 6.3" is the final total.
  16. 6.3". Looks like deep winter out there for sure.
  17. Verbatim the Euro keeps us below freezing until at least Feb 3rd. With now 10" of snow pack (and counting) don't think we'll be seeing the grass again anytime soon. Last time the grass was visible was the morning of Dec 29th.
  18. So much for the 30" in southern IA eh? 4.5" here with snow picking up a bit again.
  19. Back down to light snow after several hours of steady moderate snow at times with very large flakes. Haven't measured in awhile but guessing over 4" now. HRRR/RAP show another 0.2" of precip by late tomorrow so should hopefully be able to squeeze a few more inches out by then, albeit a much much slower pace than what fell this evening.
  20. Think I'll just get ahead of the game and reserve a hotel in Des Moines for Saturday night lol. All kidding aside it'll be nice to have something to track again.
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