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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Current snow depth and snow water equivalent. Over 2" of water in the snowpack over a pretty nice sized area.
  2. Added another half inch yesterday afternoon/evening to bring the storm total up to 3.0". Not what we hoped for, but nice refresher (with another layer of ice in the snowpack to boot). DVN put out this map yesterday morning. Amounts in the CR are a little light, as the 6" reports came in after this map was made.
  3. Going to pick up a new snow blower tomorrow so I've probably jinxed us into sub 3" snows the rest of the season lol.
  4. Nice mood flakes atm. Biggest impact from this system here was the ice. Caused some sporadic power outages in the area, which I didn't expect.
  5. Yeah the timing definitely made a difference. Winter didn't really show up here till Dec 29th, and since then it's been cold with lots of refresher events. Haven't gotten out of the 30s since Dec 27th, and most of the time we've been below freezing. On Dec 23 we hit 61, that seems like eons ago lol.
  6. Yeah it's one of the things that keeps this hobby interesting.
  7. Congrats! You guys are about 20" ahead of us now for the season. You've had over 15" since last weekend. How much do you have OTG now?
  8. This latest system brings us up to about 19" for the season. With 11-12" of snow and ice on the ground we've done extremely well to conserve what we've received. The past two systems have pulled the rug out in the final 24-48hrs reducing consistently forecast snowfall amounts by 30-50%. Getting pretty tired of that shit. Hopefully the next system can at least perform as modeled within 48hrs.
  9. 2.5" so far. Considering how much fell west and east it's pretty disappointing.
  10. Snow is quite light as radar returns have really weakened. Looks like long-duration light snows from here on out.
  11. Lights have been flickering here the past half hour or so. Snow is sticking to the ice on the trees even with the wind. Looks like a good half inch so far. HRRR/3km NAM show another 0.3" or so of precip, so hope to end up in that 3-4" range. Not as epic as places east are getting but respectable.
  12. Yeah we had rime icing/hoar frost which also clung to that for several days with a string of days with very dense fog. All that fell off/melted a few days after that.
  13. Finally primarily snow. That was grueling. Looks like a few tenths of ice accrual on the trees and maybe a few tenths of sleet.
  14. Yeah 3-4" sounds about right for here as well. We've actually gone back over to 75/25 sleet/frz rain. CC shows solid snow is just about here though. Heavy returns moving in from the south, should have heavy snow here within a half hour to hour.
  15. 75/25 sleet/frz rain now. CC on DVN is collapsing quickly. Should be seeing snow mix in shortly. Can't wait to join the party lol.
  16. Prob trying to work off a big supper lol. Mix of freezing rain and sleet here. Nice glaze on the trees/snowpack. Paved areas still just wet with temps hovering at 32. Now I know how it feels to live in Kirksville with the radar being down.
  17. Poor timing. Was watching CC to give me an idea of how the changeover was going. Guess it will remain a mystery now lol. HRRR has all snow here at 5pm, so it's obviously not handing the changeover well. Most other guidance has us all snow by 7-8pm at the latest so hopefully that works out. Would be a lot more frustrating if we didn't just have the 6"er last Monday.
  18. Nice to hear. Getting first pingers here. DVN still showing melting layer around 4000ft. We'll see what happens when the much heavier precip moves in over the next hour or two.
  19. Some of the best snows right now are in central IN. Both LAF and IND down to 1/2 mile.
  20. We're building a wintry lasagna here. This will be the 2nd layer of ice within the snowpack. Gonna stick with my updated 2-5" call.
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