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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Made it down to -17, with the lowest wind chill of -31. Across the river in Clinton hit -21, DVN bottomed out at -19.
  2. DVN upgraded us to a wind chill warning, and lowered the point to -18. We quickly dipped to -5 about an hour ago, but have rebound back up to -2.
  3. Temp dropping more rapidly now that the clouds have cleared, down to -3. Latest HRRR has -23 here at 13z.
  4. After traversing this lengthy period of very cold temps and things start to warm back up I think the feeling by most (especially the public) is that we really turned the page on deep winter. Could be the first hint at spring fever for many if we suddenly get a few days in the 40s for example, after such a long period of cold. Days are getting longer. I'm definitely enjoying these deep winter conditions; the deep snowpack, arctic temps, frequent snow events, etc. I'll def enjoy whatever else ma nature throws at us going forward, but after this long stretch of deep winter I'll definitely start to think more and more about spring, and severe convective events, outside BBQs and the like.
  5. Have -16 in the point for tonight. HRRR has us hitting -22, and the Euro shows -15. Winds get pretty close to calm by daybreak so wouldn't be surprised to see some spots make a run at -20 with all the deep snow cover in place.
  6. Winding down here, with 0.8" as the total. LSR seems pretty low, as the snow is very sugary as Josh would say. Kind of a disappointment, but still a nice little refresher and always nice to see it snow during the daytime.
  7. Snowing much better now with this 15+ DBZ band. Flakes are still small, but not pixies anymore. We'd been under 6-12 DBZ returns the entire time up until recently.
  8. It's been snowing since noon and we have maybe 0.3" lol. A buddy down in Galva said it's snowing pretty good there, so the rates are prob a lot better in the enhanced bands. We've been sort of stuck in a mini-screw zone the whole time as well which doesn't help.
  9. Lol @ the WxBell Euro kuchera. 50.3" near the IA/MO border.
  10. Map is low-balling it here. Have a good 12-13" otg. Yeah the lengthy streak is pretty impressive, with no end in sight. Got down to -4 this morning.
  11. Pixie dust with a fairly bright sky, dusting so far. Has the look of a DAB+ type event. Perhaps flake quality vastly improves in the more enhanced bands, like down by Galesburg atm.
  12. Pretty poor run to run continuity by some of the guidance with this little wave. 3km NAM went from about 0.17" to 0.04" of precip for the QCA, which would be a substantial difference with 20:1+ LSR snowfall lol. I think a general 1-3" is the safest call, but 4" of fluff can't be ruled out if the "wetter" runs that have showed up from time to time are correct.
  13. Yeah looks like a nice 2-3" refesher for this area. #buildtheglacier
  14. They pulled the plows here in this part of Whiteside County earlier this evening as they just couldn't keep up with the redrifting of snow. The road here is currently drifted shut, with a good 2ft of snow all the way across the road from the open field just to the north. Hopefully the plows are back out by early morning.
  15. The final band added another inch to bring us up close to 4" for the event. Not bad considering we "wasted" 0.31" on rain earlier this morning. MLI has 0.69" total precip for the day. Back end of the snow is almost here.
  16. It looks like a legit blizzard with this last band. Enough snow had fallen, and with the heavy falling snow it's pretty gnarly out there. Hit a few spots on the way home where it was a complete whiteout, and the falling snow was quite light at the time. Can only imagine how bad it is right about now out there.
  17. This band coming through right now looks pretty legit. Pretty low vis with lots of blowing snow and heavy snow falling as well. Picked up 0.31" rain this morning, and 2.8" of snow so far.
  18. Looks like a good chunk of the DVN cwa has a legit shot at achieving 20"+ snow cover by next week. Euro shows 10-15" of snow to fall on an existing 10-15" of snow cover. The multi-layers of ice mixed in with the snowpack, and additional heavy cover to come means we won't be seeing the grass for quite a long time it would seem.
  19. Looks like a solid 2-4" refresher for the QCA after a short period of rain. The rain will make layer number 3 of ice within the snowpack lol.
  20. This crappy cell pic out the back window doesn't do it justice on how awesome it looked this morning. Very heavy rime icing after that very dense ground fog overnight. Really made for an enchanting drive into work this am lol.
  21. Man there was so much new material to read when I got home it was almost overwhelming lol. Nice turnaround from earlier in the winter.
  22. GEM would be a nice hit for the snow-starved southeast MI crew, and downstate IL as well.
  23. Extremely thick shallow/ground fog the past few hours. Visibility is about as low as I've ever seen it at ground level, yet you can look up and see the stars. About 11" of glacier in place, with 2-4" refresher on the way Thu in time for the arctic intrusion. Should help to make the most of the cold air masses en route.
  24. I think the futility talk at the time is one way to make oneself feel a bit better about how horrible things are going at the time. Since if things continue on as bad at least there would be something to show for it at the end. I consider it a momentary coping method lol.
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