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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. After tonight/tomorrow's little 1" duster it looks CAD for quite awhile. Think I'm getting more and more ready to start thinking about spring.
  2. Kept the below zero streak going ( 7 days now) as we dipped to -1 around mid morning.
  3. New Euro shows only about a tenth of precip for most of the DVN cwa after numerous runs of 0.15-0.20". Models are just too aggressive in the 36+hr time frame this winter it seems. Almost every time the models vastly reduce QPF in the final 30hrs. It's been great the past 40 days or so, but the models have been jerking us around quite a bit.
  4. Picked up 0.5" of snow this evening. Up to 27.7" now for the season.
  5. Looks like 2-3" of fresh powder tomorrow night/Sat AM for the QCA. Another nice refresher.
  6. Some of that lake effect snow has made it as far west as here. If you look at the DVN radar you can see some light returns move in from the east-northeast. Right now it's a mix of lake effect and synoptic snow here. Doesn't happen very often but occasionally we can some sloppy seconds this far west from LM.
  7. -11 this morning, 6th day in a row with a below zero temp.
  8. Had a burst of non-accumulating light snow earlier.
  9. It'd be funny if they had DAB and DAB+ categories.
  10. Temps overachieved here. Made it down to -19, colder than Sunday morning.
  11. 3" on the nose here with light snow still falling. Both DVN and MLI recorded 0.03" of precip today, and fluffed up to 2.0"/1.7" snowfall. High ratio stuff for sure.
  12. Just under 3" with light snow still falling. A bit north in the Morrison area are likely a good inch or two higher even. Great little event today.
  13. Closing in on 2", still coming down nicely. 14-15" of snow OTG now with 3 layers of ice within, the bottom of which is at least an inch thick. No above freezing temps in sight. Deeeeeeeep winter.
  14. Over an inch now. There was a slight letup with smaller flakes, but it's pouring fatties again.
  15. Wow this stuff is adding up extremely quickly. Already a good half inch of fluff with very large flakes raining down.
  16. Snow globe-ing here quite nicely as the enhanced band has arrived. Sure nice to see after the pixie fest on Sat lol. Looks like 2"+ of arctic fluff to fall.
  17. Newton down to 1/2 mile now beneath the main developing band. Looking good.
  18. Picked up 0.3" early this morning. The southern portion of the DVN cwa made out best similar to the prior wave.
  19. Made it back above zero around 7am this morning after 34 consecutive hours below zero.
  20. Only made it to -2 for a high after the -17 low.
  21. ^ Man, that's some pivotal information.
  22. -4 the high so far today. Looks like we won't be getting AOA zero today.
  23. Still a bit frosty out there as we near 11am, still -7. Looks like a little duster later this evening, perhaps a half inch. Another one late tomorrow/tomorrow evening.
  24. and feathers, the semi-rare 30:1. Basically no resistance while walking through several inches of it.
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