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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Ripping pretty nicely here with a temp right at zero. Flakes are fine, but it's pouring down nicely.
  2. I hear that lol. Yeah I was still planting trees on Dec 18th. Things changed pretty fast after Christmas.
  3. DVN still going with 1-2" for here/QC with no advisory, so they may need to make some adjustments this evening.
  4. First flakes flying here. RAP has upped us to over 0.20" of precip now, and the HRRR and NAMs have bumped us into the high teens. Should hopefully be able to fluff 3-4" out of that, which is a HUGE win compared to how this looked a few days ago.
  5. 12z Euro has 4.7" here off of 0.18" precip on the new WXBell kuchera. That's 26:1 LSR, which seems a bit far fetched. I guess we'll see.
  6. ORD getting in on it now, down to 1/4 mile vis.
  7. Dumpin' buckets of snow at the McCallister's house (Home Alone) in Winnetka.
  8. Back in 2017 we hit 70 degrees on the 17th. That seems almost unfathomable with how cold it's been as of late. We're about to pop to zero after 42 consecutive hours below zero. Pretty impressive in January let alone mid February.
  9. Most of the models have upped QPF here to about 0.17" or so on average. It's gonna come down to the ratios as to how much we can fluff out of that.
  10. -6 here this morning. Cherokee Iowa got all the way down to -30.
  11. 06z HRRR looks pretty similar to the 00z to me. 2" for here/QC final call. A joke compared to the majority of the sub but I'll take it.
  12. Think we're still paying for the success we had with the March 2018 and November 2018 storms, both of which dumped close to a foot here. Last winter our heaviest snow event was under 5", and this winter the heaviest event has been 6.3". Des Moines Cedar Rapids were smoked by some big events much of the winter, and now just east and southeast are getting in on the biggies. Hopefully we can cash in on a big one next winter.
  13. If we can somehow squeeze 3" of fresh powder out of this I'd be pretty ecstatic. 1-2" seems to be the safe call though atm.
  14. Last Sunday the high was -2, this Sunday our high today was -1. One heck of a stretch it's been.
  15. Will go 1-2" for here/QC. NAMs showing 3-4" but not gonna fall for that this time lol.
  16. You've endured enough 33 and rain, so enjoy the hell out of this!
  17. Funny how relative everything is. Here I'm sitting thrilled at the potential for 2" after it looking DAB to DAB+ yesterday lol.
  18. Still can't believe I'm the only one who ever posts from the DVN cwa, other than the CR crew on DVN's northwest edge. The QCA is a fairly high population area relatively speaking, so for me to be the only one here is kind of weird lol. Did have some mets in the past (Oceanstwx and Justin) who were great, but they've moved out of the area. Wish some of the DVN peeps who probably peruse the board in the shadows would post.
  19. -10 out there right now. This makes the 9th day in a row below zero.
  20. I'll be more than happy if we can squeeze an inch out here on the northwest fringe.
  21. Boy this was an understatement lol. We've picked up 27.3" of snow since Dec 29th, and have only melted off maybe an inch or two as temps have been below freezing pretty much the entire stretch. There's been some settling, sublimation, and compaction which reduced about 25" down to the current 16" of depth. We've had deeper snowpack (not by much in my memory) but this is the most impressive one I think, as it has 3 layers of ice within it as well, the bottom of which is a good 1-1.5" thick. Looks like it may go deep into March unless we really torch in early March.
  22. 1.5" here. That last band ripped pretty nicely around midday.
  23. Got about an inch so far. Coming down pretty decently right now and -2 degrees. With the pattern moving more towards the eastern sub this may be the deepest the snowpack gets here, which is at about 16" this morning.
  24. Yeah it's gonna be awhile I'm afraid. Gonna have to gamble with rainers again but I'd take that over the dreaded CAD lol.
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