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Everything posted by cyclone77

  1. Looks like a quick hitting inch or two here followed by the thaw.
  2. Yeah it's been fantastic since late Dec. Only complaint if one was to get picky was not getting in on any of the big dogs (6.3" heaviest event), but like I said in another thread we had a couple huge snows in early and late 2018 so it's all good.
  3. Was just thinking that this morning, you can definitely tell a difference already. Made it to -7 here, -8 @ MLI.
  4. Down to -1, which makes day 14 in a row below zero. What a remarkable stretch. Hard to believe we didn't have a single subzero day until Jan 28th, and now we get this crazy stretch.
  5. It's at work, the health professionals are coming out to the facility to issue them so pretty easy on my end lol.
  6. Scheduled for my 1st vaccine Saturday.
  7. Today's 19 was the toastiest day since Feb 4th when we actually were above freezing for a bit (34).
  8. -4 here this morning, colder than everywhere around. 13th consecutive day below zero.
  9. Didn't really expect much from this but ended up with a half inch of fresh snow. Snowpack is all sparkly and shimmery again.
  10. Have 33/36/40/38 in the point for Sun-Wed. Let the thaw begin.
  11. Kind of sucks coming home from work and seeing so few posts in a storm thread. Kind of got spoiled and got used to it lol. Need something else good to track before I start getting the shakes.
  12. Snowpack hasn't budged since the snow a few days ago, still at about 18". Normally you'd see at least a bit of settling/sublimation in that amount of time. Stout 'pack.
  13. Down to -10. HRRR showed -20 in earlier runs, but has backed off some on newer runs.
  14. Time to knock the snow off that puppy and do a little grillin
  15. Should get down under -10 tonight, and that will make tomorrow the 12th day in a row with a subzero reading. There's a chance we can add 3 more days to that streak if things work out Thu-Sat. Tomorrow night and Thu night are currently expected to barely stay above zero. Mean temp so far for Feb is a bone chilling 6.6°!
  16. Finished with 2.5" of fresh powder here, 18" snow depth. MLI came in with 3.8", DVN 1.3".
  17. I thought temps overachieved today when I left work, it felt pretty decent out. Was surprised it was only 9 degrees lol. 30s will feel like the 4th of July.
  18. Very nice to see such a wide area down that way get in on a big dog. Long overdue.
  19. Still snowing here, got about 2". Ratios seem quite low due to the sugary nature from the pixies, but makes for a quality addition to the existing snowpack. About 18-19" of snow and ice on the ground now. EDIT: MLI has 3.5" as of midnight. Didn't think they'd be that much higher than me, so maybe I did a crappy job of measuring lol.
  20. It's already down to -26 out at Le Mars Iowa. Brutal.
  21. These 15-18DBZ returns are doing work out here on the west side in the arctic air. Flake size increased the past hour, probably pushing 2" now with more to come.
  22. Pixies here, but it's slowly adding up. Up to a little over an inch now. Alek got in 15min what we got in 4hrs lol! Hell of a storm up there in Chicago.
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